Dinosaur mayhem!!! When you get tired of your gests, just let t-rex loose to see him eat them! lol

User Rating: 7 | Zoo Tycoon: Dinosaur Digs PC
those not as good as the original, (which you will need to be able to play dino digs) this game is rather additive! It just about as fun as the first zoo tycoon, but you get way more animals including cool dino dudes, and new extras. Some animals (dinos) are to hard to please, but you just learn to stay away from those. Anyway the cheats make this game much more fun once you have played for a while, like the $100,000 cheat, you can make the most coolest zoo with that kinda money. Anyway if you get tired of it then you can always “let loose” a t-rex onto your gests!!
Overall a different game that is good for anyone, any age.