You get to build your zoo, pick and take care of your animals and hire staff so you can run a zoo and try to get the best ratings. It is pretty much like all the other zoo tycoons out there but in this one you get dinosaur. They start out as eggs unlike most of the animal babies in the zoo and you need more then just zoo keepers to take of these little guys. Some of the Dinosaurs are a little harder to take care of and keep happy so keep and eye on that. The graphics are good and so is the sound and the game play is great as well! A must Have!
Other Helpful Reviews for Zoo Tycoon: Dinosaur Digs
I think this game is safe and fun for everybody. Cheats and downloads make at more fun! If you are just buying the game for it to be hard save you money. Go to zoo tycoon home web site to get the Full downloads or here.... Read Full Review
those not as good as the original, (which you will need to be able to play dino digs) this game is rather additive! It just about as fun as the first zoo tycoon, but you get way more animals including cool dino dudes, an... Read Full Review