Blizzard Workers Begin Revolting As They Anonymously Share Their Pay Data
An anonymous spreadsheet with salary data has circulated among employees unhappy with wage disparities.
Blizzard Entertainment staff are revolting over pay disparities after an internal study meant to ensure fair wages didn't produce the desired results for workers. An anonymous spreadsheet passed around by employees revealed far lower pay increases than they said they were expecting. This is despite CEO Bobby Kotick making a salary that dwarfs many in the industry.
Bloomberg reports that most of the pay increases given after Blizzard's study were less than 10%, significantly less than most people expected. Employees at Blizzard Entertainment have previously described having to skip meals to make rent, while one veteran claims they are making less now than they were with Blizzard almost a decade ago.
Last year, Blizzard Entertainment was asked by parent company Activision Blizzard to cut costs, resulting in hundreds of cut jobs, with new responsibilities foisted onto remaining workers without a pay increase. The same story has repeated for a number of years, even as the company posts record profits.
One person added CEO Bobby Kotick's salary and compensation package to the anonymous spreadsheet to contrast other listed salaries. Kotick is one of the highest paid executives in the entertainment media industry, with his compensation last year topping $30 million.
"Our goal has always been to ensure we compensate our employees fairly and competitively," an Activision Blizzard spokesperson told Bloomberg. "We are constantly reviewing compensation philosophies to better recognize the talent of our highest performers and keep us competitive in the industry, all with the aim of rewarding and investing more in top employees."
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