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Team of Former BioWare, Blizzard Devs Announce New PC RPG

Dauntless comes out in 2017; watch the first trailer here.


Tonight during The Game Awards, new independent studio Phoenix Labs, founded by a team of former BioWare and Blizzard developers, announced their first game: Dauntless.

A PC online co-op action RPG, Dauntless is set in an "untamed science-fantasy world." You play as an elite warrior known as a Slayer, fighting against enemy creatures known as Behemoths.

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Now Playing: Dauntless - TGA 2016 Announce Trailer

Here is the official setup for Dauntless: "The world of Dauntless has been shattered by a cataclysmic event, creating a vast array of uncharted and majestic floating islands. Behemoths, as cunning as they are vicious, consume the land, and it’s up to the Slayers to hunt them down before they destroy what remains of the world."

Dauntless takes its inspiration from titles like Dark Souls, Monster Hunter, and World of Warcraft, Phoenix Labs said in a statement.

You can play solo or team up with others, as Dauntless supports up to four players. Watch the announcement trailer to learn more. Dauntless is due out in 2017.

Click Here for All the Trailers and News From The Game Awards 2016

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