Quick fingers and fast thinking is what you need here. Practicing helps too ;).
The game involves alot of hand-to-eye coordination. You need to know where the buttons are ESPECIALLY when it comes to doing 8k.
The graphics are fun and entertaining, watching your character dance or stand there rubbing his head when he misses.
This game is online, meaning you can chat to other players aswell as play with/against other players.
Just a tip :
The key combinations are almost always the same when it comes to 4k, THIS DOES NOT MEAN THEY WILL GO IN THE EXACT SAME ORDER FOR EVERY SONG. It means the key combinations [DANCE MOVES] will be the same. Its complicated to explain, but just keep practicing and you might start understanding how to play the game better.
This game is very entertaining, its fun to play, and if you are bored, this game is for you!