Hey for all those people who have bf2 and wont get this cause its to similar your making a huge mistake this game is wel

User Rating: 9.6 | Battlefield 2142 PC
Hey for all those people who have bf2 and wont get this cause its to similar your making a huge mistake this game is well worth it. Sure it uses the same engine and sh** but who cares. I have had all the bf games as well as desert combat for the orginal. Bf 2 was a fun game but god old after a while. This game completly revists all the bf2 glory and is realy fun. Hard to say why it just is. Titan mode is really fun like attack and defend. I knoe this is like a 50 mod but it is worth it i have spent plenty of time and i now have every unlock. Im telling u if u like bf2 or like a great online action game get this you wont be disapointed. This game does have better grapics and is well worthe my 50 bucks. Go buy this its friggin fun as hell.