As fierce as the previous in the series, but doesn't add very much different.

User Rating: 8.7 | Burnout Revenge X360
Normally I don't like driving games too much but the way it's been designed for this is nothing short of absolutely brilliant. So, what does this game do differently, for those who've never seen it? The driving game uses what's called a crash mode, literally taking you into an interesting and usually challenging situation to cause literally as much damage as possible by flinging your car into oncoming traffic and adding up all the damage. Sounds great, right? Well, there's even more to it: Around this crash zone are little floating sign icons doing things from bringing up cash flow from damage, to causing extra explosions. Enough on the crash mode, how the racing itself was designed was just as brilliant, it uses a boost gauge system: Doing things on the more dangerous side like driving far too close to other cars among other techniques adds boost to your car which lasts you a little bit of time. Crashing other cars you're competing with is where the real fun is: Taking down cars not only fills your boost gauge, it elongates it, which stacks up about 4 times. Even if your car happens to get crashed along the way, you can "slow down" time and slightly affect the direction of the heap of metal, allowing you to take down some cars with you and helping your boost gauge as well as your rank in the races. The "Tour" section of the game is a delightfully varied selection of challenges, from races to crashes and more as well. The AI can be pretty tough on you so don't think it's going to be all roses to win, but it's not all hell either. There's tons of unlockable cars, including my favorite, the "batman" car, you'll know it when you get it... I love this game because it makes driving a lot more fun than they were previously, sometimes realistic driving games one my favorites PGR2 just don't quite give an adrenaline rush like Burnout. If you like driving games, get this game now. If you like games in general, get it anyways. Sure, it doesn't offer THAT much differently from the previous ones, it just allows you to get more boost power if some idiot happens to knock you out, In fact, revenge removed a few things like the floating bonuses/crashbreaker icons. Nonetheless, try it out.