One of the best RTS I have ever played.

User Rating: 9.5 | Company of Heroes PC
Ok, if you have tried it you absolutly must. This game is in a class of its own. The dialogue that the soldiers say is worth the experience of playing it alone "I hear all the Nazi's are eight feet tall" or "Johnson, no stealin' doileys this time". I have completed the campaign 3 times to date and play it on LAN with my girlfriend from time to time. If there is one RTS you play, make it this one.

Only negative things I have to say about this game:
1)A Russian Faction, British or even Canadian faction woulda been nice.
2)Alternative Campaign
3)More maps for the skirmish mode

Other then that its almost perfect. Its worth buying, I play this game atleast 3 hours a week.