User Rating: 5 | DOOM Eternal (Code in a Box) PC

I was so looking forward to this. With the current state of reality with COVID-19, Doom Eternal's release was perfectly timed and I was really excited to escape into the game.

Unfotunately, my sense of euphoria was dashed about 5 minutes in when I found myself stuck on a platforming section for 30 minutes before I could move on with the game. WHY WHY WHY did they decide to add this crap the game. It's basically tragic.

Who are they consulting?? What is going here BETHESDA? I didn't think your incompetence with all your Elder Scrolls and Fallout and whatever other crappy releases would not affect id Software after the perfection that was Doom 2016.

I'm not motivated to keep playing this at all when the rhythm of the game is totally broken up by this braindead monkey bars gameplay. This has NO place in a DOOM game.

It alone kills the game. Everything else such as weaker fighting, weaker music, and an overall inexplicable regression in game design is actually forgiven if it wasn't for these unforgivable platforming sections. The hell/medieval setting is pretty cool to play in. The ambiance could be very immersive if it wasn't for the monkey bars. This disaster with the platforming is so easily avoidable. WTF happened Bethesda.