I'm an avid RPG player, I love getting into the details of a character and leveling up. But lately it seems that games haven't been able to hold my interest. I knew that Dragon Age would be a game I had to try, so like for many other games I pre-ordered it and waited for the release. I had read a little about the game beforehand and was excited and when I finally got it installed I started creating my Elf Warrior. The interface is easy enough to learn and it give the feeling of an MMORPG which is good and familiar, but actually getting into combat, you can control EVERYTHING! I myself have not mastered the details, but being able to pause combat, and get specific orders to your 4 party members is great and sometimes nesessary. Being able to change up your tactics is a great advantage as well. Having the combat pause system in play I thought the game would be a little too easy and at first found myself not using it, until the first swarm of enemies surrounded me and compleately destroyed me! Afterwards I changed up my tactics, and have had some sucsess, and some failure, but it's great to have a game that doesn't take it easy on you. I've found a couple times where I've spent a couple hours on one boss trying to get my tactics right in order to beat them. Another great aspect of the game is the decisions that are given to you. You control where you go, and how to interact with people. I decided to play my Elf Warrior as a compassionate one with reverence to life, so when ever there's a way to complete a quest without blood spilt. So far, I've not lost interest yet, and am already excited to create a different char to start playing differently from the life reverent Elf, maybe more of a bloodthirsty Human mage?
Other Helpful Reviews for Dragon Age: Origins (Collector's Edition)
Since everyone is rightly offering praise for the excellent Dragon Age, I thought I'd offer some of its faults: 1. Early on, there are some sudden difficulty spikes. Not a big deal but I suspect some of the negative r... Read Full Review
*** DRAGON AGE: ORIGINS *** THE GOOD -Epic story -Immersive character development -Intense battles and boss fights -Controls are versatile -Plenty of great skills/spells to carry into the battlefield -Loads o... Read Full Review