This has to be one of, if not the best Soccer sim's i've ever played.

User Rating: 9 | FIFA 09: World Class Soccer PS3
As a fan of FIFA since the 90's I can honestly say that this game is one of the most accurate interpretations of soccer ever. Players move like they're supposed to and if the ball isn't placed just right there is no guarantee that your player is going to come away with it. Attention to detail is what impressed me the most in FIFA '09, the players look great and being able to learn your favorite celebration and rub it in every time you score a goal, or a game winner is a stroke of genius. The crowd chants and stadium environments are fantastic, and the fields look great.
Online is amazing as always, I am yet to run into any major lag or glitches. The 10 vs. 10 multi player mode is a solid addition, although I am yet to find 19 other players to give it a shot with.
FIFA '09 is another FANTASTIC instalment to the FIFA brand!