hey u can still like crud donst mean u have to eat it!comradexlol ok
i mean look at it this way. wii is basically nothing but a gamecube with a new shell (but gyrio controlers are awesome ill give u that), xbox360 decent graphics but still not cutting edge or anything very awesome about it (except halo), ps3 cutting edge componets but unaffordable! i love pcs but they seem to be a dying breed for games except stgy, rts, online rpgs, and graphic intensive games. so i love pc because its mine i can crack it as much as i want!comradex:) you prove ur point well. i agree, PC is pretty awesome when it comes to gaming and you get free online play as well :)
i'm thinkin of trying that stargate worlds online rpg i like those shows so if they do the game right i think it will be awesome.comradeximo, i dont think the game will be that great. any game made after a movie has failed tremendously and i dont think one made after a tv show will be any better :(
thats true but scfi channel is in on this one and their a bunk of geeks, so they should get it right if anyone cancomradexhope ur right
What happend?hisfamilyi predicted that you like the 360. oh! i got ur message yesterday on XBL :) dude we need to play together sometime
i am so jealous!comradexare you being sarcastic? i cant tell. anyways i played with him today. it was fun and he's pretty good :)
You laughed at me? *Brings out machine gun.hisfamilywoah woah, i didnt laugh at any one. i was just complementing ur mad halo skillz
Well, we all agreed that the pc was the best so there really wasn't any point in furthering the conflict ;)comradexgood point, pretty much nothing can own a PC when it comes to games.
ok (while i agree the PC is the best platform, for arguements sake im going against that), PC sucks, why? heres why.
- moolah, consoles are cheaper and more affordable. at least $1500 should be spent for any decently good gaming PC, anything less and you're going to be suffering frame rate issues and whatnot. oh yeah but you're going to say, its worth the money, today the PC only titles do not make it worth the money. while a good PC is useful, if you're going to spend that much money on a PC then you have to play it a lot to get the most out of it. software wise, crysis is the only PC killer app atm (buying a rig just for crysis is not worth it IMO), many games are multiplat and some are ported later on as well.
also from a technical standpoint, mainly graphically, some PC games only look marginally better then their console counterparts, i mean for multiplat games. as for control benefits, yes the kb/m controls are great for certain genres, mainly RTS's, but you will most likely need to buy a specialized mouse and kb to play it well. unlike in consoles where the gamepad/controller comes with the console.
- obseletion, after 3-5 years your top of the model PC is outdated. the most recent games can be run on low settings maybe, but if you want the bells and whistles, its another 500 or more dollars out of your wallet for a new grfx card. where as for a single generation a console will last you, but in thata one generation you may have to upgrade your PC 1-2 times.
-crashes and other bugs, annoying glitches and other issues plague PC applications. games on consoles usually run consistently and will work as long the console has power. where as a PC needs to be in good condition, running well and its performance can easily fluctuate. this inconsistent perfomance is irritating at times. also PC games can completely crash making you totally reboot your rig, this occurence rarely happend on consoles, infact i can count the number of times a console game has crashed on me with both hands, for PC i would need to borrow quite a few hands.
- the anti-mod. ok so modding is a huge benefit for PC games obviously. but this requires a internet connection and downloading etc. majority of console games can be fully enjoyed with a TV, the console and the game, no strings attached. while the benefit of user content has been one of PCs greatest strengths, recent console games like UT3 and halo3 have great user content creating features in them. this trend will hopefully continue in console games, rendering modding as a characteristic across the board.
well? come on, lets get this SW rolling, bring it on you PC snobs :P
omg graftkun you have totally changed my view point on the PC! Its even more appealing than before! Look at that huge argument that it is not worth it! Simplicity is the way to go. Observe:
PC is cool because I know how to use one. Consoles are, in most cases, for simple people who don't want to think.
A PC has over 60 buttons while a console doesn't even come close. I believe that the PC gamer is the next step in human evolution!
omg graftkun you have totally changed my view point on the PC! Its even more appealing than before! Look at that huge argument that it is not worth it! Simplicity is the way to go. Observe:
PC is cool because I know how to use one. Consoles are, in most cases, for simple people who don't want to think.
A PC has over 60 buttons while a console doesn't even come close. I believe that the PC gamer is the next step in human evolution!
wait are you agreeing or disagreeing... or being extremely sarcastic? anyways your first point, is bringing in other functions outside of gaming for PC's. im sure many PC gamers dont know how to get the most out of there rigs. plus consoles are not for people who want to think, how can you not want to think? i do not understand.
secondly, more buttons =/= better. in fact rather PC controls can be very duanting and you may find yourself having difficulty playing simply b/c you dont know how to jump or reload or etc. you dont want to press random keys on a kb b/c you never know what may happen. and on a console gamepad the less buttons makes figuring out the controls easier.
I'm always criptic and sarcastic.
Just so you know where I stand: PC beats the crap out of everything else. Its a fact of nature. The more buttons, the more complexity, the more brain power that is needed. Consoles much simpler inferface. Designed for simplicity and people with low intelligence.
As for the PC being way more expensive. Well its a superior machine what can I say? I'd rather upgrade one machine every few years then half to throw an entire one away! You should see half the crap I've got stored away!
so for 3-4 generations of gaming you're using the same rig just constanyl souping it up? and old consoles still work, mostly. my SNES works, i just lost a cable for it. if i booted up one of the ancient PC's in my basement it would probably explode on me. ok and morebottuns does not by any mean better, like i said, and PC games used to be way more complex and deep than consoles, but no the gap is smaller, bioshock anyone? also gamers are frugal creatures, i would rather spend 400 or so dollars on a console than 1500 for a gaming PC, oh yeah and consoles drop prices eventually, oh yeah so do old PC parts, but why by outdated stuff? you gotta get everything when its new and fresh.
"Designed for simplicity and people with low intelligence."
first part, true, consoles are simple, which is good. easier interface, no installing (haha you have to wait 20 minutes before you can play, i just popthe dis in my 360 or w/e and im all set) and acessibility trumps complexity IMO. consoles, casual and nongamers are much more likely to play a game on a console than a PC game, its just easier. as for the second part, low intelligence? ok first off, IQ is not a relative measure of "smartness" as nothing can measure smartness, as its not measurable. anyways, consoles are not meant for low IQ ppl. if consoels are for dumb people, then i wonder why there are so much more macs nowadays? oh snap.
I soup my computer up till the motherboard cant take it anymore, then I build a new one. My old systems are in storage as collectibles, while my oldest computer is used for my data storage needs (1995 packard bell my first love :) ).
I love upgrading, overclocking my computers. I soft and hard modded two xboxs and still felt it they were lacking in comparison to the PC. They are simple machines for simple people, nothing more nothing less. Thats why they are "popular". Its not my fault the majority of people have very low intelligence. I hold no malice, only speak what is true.
I am happy that there are lots of macs. Apple used to be what Microsoft is now becoming. If I had the need for graphics design or huge multimedia needs I would (at present) have a Macintosh computer. So your "snappy" attempt at an insult is without substance. Maybe next time k_smooth can teach you how to do it properly :P.
hmmm... you seemed to have misunderstood my mac jibe, i meant that macs are easier to use machines and are gaining popularity, plus i think they may be entering the game world soon, spore in the fall anyone? anyways, did you read weemandandodee or whosevers blog on the soapbox? its about how PC gaming is great, but it has a million greivances. i agree with him and i think you're forgeting that im only taking the console side here just for arguements sake, read my first post.
again, consoles are not for low level IQ ppl, some people just dont have the time/money/hacking or modding skills to fully utilize a PC's capabilities. some people dont want to go out of there way to get the extra mile for their games, they just want to sit, turn on a box and have fun. unlike a PC where you have to constanty check and upgrade stuff.
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