So like I promised yesterday I tinkered with our union banner and icon a bit. Here's the result:
Banner:url:ttp:// Icon:
url: Which would look like this on the main page. I like how it turned out but if you've got any comments or critique I'd love to hear it :).Lone_Warrior_66
Wow thats great
[QUOTE="SpiritOfFire117"]Oh yeah. Put this banner in the.....thing where the banner goes in. :Ppsn8214
:lol: Nice one Spirit...
And yes, I'm going to be using that phrase for aloooooot of things ME related. :P
[QUOTE="Lone_Warrior_66"]Mueh Tiny pic moved/deleted some of my images... never had that before :S. Edit: guessing they moved an entire server or something since more people seem to have the problem.N7v1K0
Yeah my Legion is gone! :(
Do you think our sigs will be restored?
Unlikely, unless your images where linked to a Tinypic account (I've always been to lazy to create one) then they might restore the links.[QUOTE="N7v1K0"][QUOTE="Lone_Warrior_66"]Mueh Tiny pic moved/deleted some of my images... never had that before :S. Edit: guessing they moved an entire server or something since more people seem to have the problem.Lone_Warrior_66
Yeah my Legion is gone! :(
Do you think our sigs will be restored?
Unlikely, unless your images where linked to a Tinypic account (I've always been to lazy to create one) then they might restore the links.They're restored! :D
Lol I saw GUFU's banner; shouldn't that kinda stuff be copyrighted to us? :PN7v1K0
It ought to be, but hey, the game is pretty popular over there. I need to get more GUFU people into this union, given that this is the single greatest place to talk Mass Effect on this whole site.
umm.. this may be a stupid question but ive been wondering what is gufu?Mr_Silent_D
One of the better known unions on here. It is mostly comprised of people who post in System Wars. It is considered to be somewhat of a big deal to be a member, in System Wars, which is why you see the members placing the icon in their sigs.
umm.. this may be a stupid question but ive been wondering what is gufu?Mr_Silent_D
Like psn said, it's mostly guys that post in System Wars and tend to take games a bit more seriously than most others. You can almost say it's a badge of honor of sorts.
[QUOTE="SpiritOfFire117"]Oh yeah this is my new sig courtesy of AdobeArtist. It covers my interest in Halo, Bioshock, and Mass Effect all in one sig.N7v1K0
It's an amazing sig :D
Thanks :)
[QUOTE="Falcon084"]My latest creation
I know it's not ME related but I put a lot of work into it and I want you [my friends] opinions:)
It's great! :D And is that a person on a giant chicken?! :shock:
:lol: It's a Chocobo! "KWEH". Buddy you realy should play a final fantasy game :D
BTW thank you for both posts :)
[QUOTE="Falcon084"][QUOTE="psn8214"]I dig it Falcon, very nicely done! What program do you use to create your sigs, GIMP?psn8214
Yes thats the one thank you:)
Wow, I am impressed. GIMP is quite hard to navigate for me. I need to buy Photoshop... :(
I have been teaching myself, so far I have been winging it, but the last one I realy tried.
I had an idea for a signature, I'm not sure if it's ever been mentioned...
The "Tali/Legion" romance. You know how in the PC version of ME2, you can change your appearance to any support character?
A friend of mine suggested romancing Tali, but as Legion.
I don't know. Just an idea :D
Also, I would die for a thin, Jack-themed signature banner. :)
A friend of mine suggested romancing Tali, but as Legion. I don't know. Just an idea :DcaityfulThat would actually be pretty hilarious xD.I didn't know the possibility existed to change your appearance like that.
Also, I would die for a thin, Jack-themed signature banner. :)caityfulLink me and image of Jack you like and I'll make you one.
LW, is it possible to put a BC2 sniper in the left of my sig with Dice under him, then on the right have Legion the way he is except with BioWare under him, and have Assuming Direct Control in the middle?N7v1K0Uhm yeah that's possible, it will look better if I place them the other way around e.g. the sniper and Legion with their backs against each other. I'll see what I can do tomorrow, busy @ work today.
[QUOTE="caityful"]A friend of mine suggested romancing Tali, but as Legion. I don't know. Just an idea :DLone_Warrior_66That would actually be pretty hilarious xD.I didn't know the possibility existed to change your appearance like that.
Also, I would die for a thin, Jack-themed signature banner. :)caityfulLink me and image of Jack you like and I'll make you one.
There are so few images of Jack... but this one is nice.
Or this... whichever you feel fits best. Being the artist and all :)
Thank you so much!
I owe you... well, my life now.
And as for changing your character, it's a PC thing, something to do with command prompts and codes... I'm not at all savvy, but I was informed it is possible. Viva la Legion/Tali Romance!
[QUOTE="N7v1K0"]LW, is it possible to put a BC2 sniper in the left of my sig with Dice under him, then on the right have Legion the way he is except with BioWare under him, and have Assuming Direct Control in the middle?Lone_Warrior_66Uhm yeah that's possible, it will look better if I place them the other way around e.g. the sniper and Legion with their backs against each other. I'll see what I can do tomorrow, busy @ work today.
You're the man with the knowledge! ;)
url: Alternative:
url: Hope you like it ;).Lone_Warrior_66
Wow. Hang on, my jaw dropped off and my eyeballs popped out.
Those are incredible! Thank you so much! :D
Really! They're amazing!
You're a legend! A God!
url: Alternative:
url: Hope you like it ;).caityful
Wow. Hang on, my jaw dropped off and my eyeballs popped out.
Those are incredible! Thank you so much! :D
Really! They're amazing!
You're a legend! A God!
sooo... im guessing you like them? lol
url: Alternative:
url: Hope you like it ;).Mr_Silent_D
Wow. Hang on, my jaw dropped off and my eyeballs popped out.
Those are incredible! Thank you so much! :D
Really! They're amazing!
You're a legend! A God!
sooo... im guessing you like them? lol
Ha understatement!
I love 'em :D
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