For all discussion about the first Mass Effect game.
Any questions about this game and its DLC is welcome here.
I'll begin.
When I first played Mass Effect, it took me a while to play it, and when I finally did, I got up to the Citadel and got lost so many times looking for the Citadel Tower that I gave up and it took a few weeks to actually come back to it and play on.
I've played it often enough since I can finish the Citadel run-around quite quickly.
Also, I've only ever punched the reporter once and I couldn't go through with that save, in the end... :P
I had just the opposite start to my ME1 adventure. I had been so hyped to play it that I launched my SSV Normandy the first day it was released. But my journey got bogged down in a nebula and I abandoned ship for a while after I "got lost so many times looking for the Citadel Tower" too. I found my way back after a while and was really glad because the game is awesome!
One tip/request to make. Can you separate Ashley Williams and Kaidan Alenko in the vote? Here's the deal, Ashley and I didn't get along at all. She was always coming on to me, which made me feel uncomfortable and other crew members were constantly reporting that she had a bad attitude. And oh yeah, SHE MURDERED HER OWN CREW MATE!! Kaidan on the other hand, "How you doin, Alenko? Come on over here into this dark corner and let's chat for a bit." He might have given me attitude in ME2 but I know that we're going to work it out and then some in ME3. .................totally different characters!
November 2nd, 2008...
I had a dilemma on my hands...
I had to choose a console that I wanted to Xbox 360 or a PS3...
In the previous console generation, I was kind of a Sony fanboy...don't really like to pick sides...not really into the whole System Wars thing...but I had so many great experiences with my PS2...I had all of the consoles (PS2, Xbox, GameCube, Dreamcast) but the PS2 had my favorite games...
I was looking at both consoles at the store...the 360 was $300...the PS3 was $400...
On one hand, the PS3 was the evolution of my favorite console...I was looking forward to new games like Assassin's Creed, Infamous, Resistance and Little Big Planet...I was looking forward to the endings of two of my favorite series, Metal Gear Solid 4 and God of War 3...I was also hoping to see a 3rd Kingdom Hearts game...
And then there was the Xbox 360...
Microsoft had been stealing a lot of Sony's exclusive titles, making their new console a lot more appealing than their first...
Plus, there was this 360 exclusive called Mass Effect...I had been interested in the game since it was first announced...
I was fascinated by the game's promises: a dialogue system with fully-voiced characters, interrupting other characters in mid-conversation, main characters being killed off as consequences to the choices you make, importing your save data to future installments...and lastly, the fact that it was made by the same company that made my favorite game for the original Xbox and one of my favorite video games of all time - Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic
I had really high hopes for Mass didn't make me decide to get a 360...I was way more interested in Metal Gear Solid 4, God of War 3 and Little Big Planet...
360 or PS3...I had been trying to decide for a with both consoles in front of me, I had to make a choice...eventually, the 'cheapness' in me decided to save money and buy the less expensive console...I got the 360...didn't buy a game with it, though...I decided to rent a game...
I checked what games they had available for rental and saw Mass Effect...then I saw Grand Theft Auto 4...I had been a huge fan of that series since I first played GTA3 on the PS2 and had been really looking forward to GTA4...
But...for some reason, I decided to rent Mass Effect...
As soon as I got home, I hooked up my new console real quick and popped in Mass was the first Xbox360 game I ever played...
I finished one playthrough and got up to Virmire in a 2nd playthrough before the game was due back...I absolutely loved it!
Some time passed...I played a lot more games afterwards...Mass Effect didn't pop into my head too much...I was too busy playing a new game almost every other week...but then one day, I was walking through the video games department at a store and noticed a Platinum Hits version of Mass came with a bonus disc containing concept art, a 'Making Of' video, a Normandy theme for the 360 and even the 'Bring Down the Sky' DLC...all for just $20...
...of course I bought it :P
It was the first time I had played Mass Effect since I bought my 360...I started a new file and fell in love with the game all over again...
Mass Effect became one of my favorite games (just like KotOR had) and I found myself constantly thinking about...the characters, the races, the cultures...I couldn't get enough...I eventually bought the 2 novels that were out at the time: Revelation and Ascension...still wasn't enough...
Bioware ended up attaching an exclusive DLC item for ME2 to Dragon Age: Origins...I pre-ordered Dragon Age just to get that DLC item...
Ended up getting a high-speed internet connection for the first time just so I could take my 360 online...specifically to get all the ME2 DLC that came with the Collector's Edition I pre-ordered and the Blood Dragon Armor I got from DA:O...
Mass Effect was just such an amazing thing to me (and still is, of course)
It was like myStar Wars or Star Trek...I never really got into either of those and was just amazed at how fans of those series were so devoted...they knew absolutely every pointless detail of these fictional universes, they would dress up as characters from them, write their own stories based in those really made no sense to me why they would waste their time with all of that...
But thanks to Mass Effect, I totally got it! I was learning every pointless detail about this fictional universe...
The only problem about loving the ME universe so much was the fact I always wanted to talk about it but no one around me had any interest in it :lol:
I had to talk about it with someone; I had to find other Mass Effect fans...
January 15, 2010...I found 'em...:)
I joined the MEU just a couple weeks before Mass Effect 2 released and was finally able to talk to other fans of this universe that I had fallen in love with...
Mass Effect went from being 'a game I was interested in but almost missed out on' to becoming one of my favorite things ever; not just video game series...
So,'s all thanks to the first Mass Effect game...
...well, that and the fact that the PS3 was $100 more than the 360 :P
Can you separate Ashley Williams and Kaidan Alenko in the vote? lewfa1
Dude I hear ya. I wasn't much of an Ashley fan either. Break me off a piece of Kaidan.
It's because I don't have any room! There's five spaces only. So I figured folks would discuss whom they chose out of those two... Or they'd just choose the Alenko option of the two...
Who actually likes Ashley for more than just her uh... lovely hair?
The only problem about loving the ME universe so much was the fact I always wanted to talk about it but no one around me had any interest in it
I had to talk about it with someone; I had to find other Mass Effect fans...
I had the exact same problem! Haha!
Although you mentioned you didn't think about it much? Haha, I'm pretty sure I've thought about every aspect of the game since completing both parts thus far. After finishing the first, I had to download M4 by Faunts. I had to keep thinking about everything that had happened.
And after finishing ME2, I had to keep thinking about what I could've done better to romance Jack (before I realised she was off limits to lady shep.)
Lets see, I believe that the first time I played ME1 was maybe January 2009. I pretty much only played it because it was developed by the same people who made Kotor. For some strange reason I just couldn't get the game to click with me. I think I completed Noveria before I stopped playing it for a solid year. I think I just found the game to slow or something.
Then I heard about ME2 so I decided to look the game up. It looked like a great improvement over the first. I decided that I wanted ME2, so that of course this meant that I needed to finish the first game. So I borrowed the first again from a friend and continued from where I started.
I don't know if I became more mature during the year break but I remember saying to myself " why didn't you like this game? ". I appreciated the game much more when I returned to it. It was just a shame that I rushed my first playthrough so that I could know the story and make a character for ME2.
So finally after completing ME2, I decided to return to ME1 and make a new Shepard, but this time I would actually take my time through ME1. Because I rushed the first game, there was so much that I picked up on that I had missed in my first playthrough. I didn't even realize that the Shadow Broker was mentioned in the first game.
After taking my time in the second playthrough I fell in love with the first game just like I did in the second. Instead of just playing renegade, I decided to make a canon profile by making decisions that I wanted to make, not decisions that will give me more renegade points. Going through the first game again was what really made me a true Mass Effect Fanboy. Up to date I have read every piece of writing outside of the 2 games. I know everything that I could possibly know in the Mass Effect universe and I have a lot of playthroughs on both games.
Mass effect has easily landed as my favorite series of all time as well as my favorite universe. I am eagerly waiting for March 6th, 2012 :D
Although you mentioned you didn't think about it much? Haha, I'm pretty sure I've thought about every aspect of the game since completing both parts thus far. After finishing the first, I had to download M4 by Faunts. I had to keep thinking about everything that had happened.
Well, I didn't think about it too much after the first time I played it because I had just bought a new console and was playing a new game every 5 wasn't until I bought Mass Effect a few months later that I couldn't stop thinking about it...
After I played through it once or twice (after buying the game) I downloaded M4, too :lol:
[QUOTE="lewfa1"]Can you separate Ashley Williams and Kaidan Alenko in the vote? caityful
Dude I hear ya. I wasn't much of an Ashley fan either. Break me off a piece of Kaidan.
It's because I don't have any room! There's five spaces only. So I figured folks would discuss whom they chose out of those two... Or they'd just choose the Alenko option of the two...
Who actually likes Ashley for more than just her uh... lovely hair?
The only problem about loving the ME universe so much was the fact I always wanted to talk about it but no one around me had any interest in it
I had to talk about it with someone; I had to find other Mass Effect fans...
I had the exact same problem! Haha!
Although you mentioned you didn't think about it much? Haha, I'm pretty sure I've thought about every aspect of the game since completing both parts thus far. After finishing the first, I had to download M4 by Faunts. I had to keep thinking about everything that had happened.
And after finishing ME2, I had to keep thinking about what I could've done better to romance Jack (before I realised she was off limits to lady shep.)
Hey, I thought Ash was pretty awesome. No mystery, no games (almost). And she was a great squadmate, whenever I would play as a tech expert, I would have her and Wrex in my squad at all times (regenerating health , heavy armor and assault rifle!). So she is a little xenophobic, big deal. Yes, I was dissapointed with a cold welcome on Horizon, but hey, in ME2 Liara didn't exactly give us a warm welcome either.
Oh, and btw, how about the fact that Kaidan killed his own teacher?
So finally after completing ME2, I decided to return to ME1 and make a new Shepard, but this time I would actually take my time through ME1. Because I rushed the first game, there was so much that I picked up on that I had missed in my first playthrough. I didn't even realize that the Shadow Broker was mentioned in the first game.
After taking my time in the second playthrough I fell in love with the first game just like I did in the second. Instead of just playing renegade, I decided to make a canon profile by making decisions that I wanted to make, not decisions that will give me more renegade points. Going through the first game again was what really made me a true Mass Effect Fanboy. Up to date I have read every piece of writing outside of the 2 games. I know everything that I could possibly know in the Mass Effect universe and I have a lot of playthroughs on both games.
You're right, it's stunning how deep and complex the series is; how the books, comics and games all intermix and involve content from one another. Characters and groups such as Cerberus and The Shadow Broker that have minor roles in the first game have a prominent role in the second while others such as the Rachni all but disappear (with a possible promise to return). Depending on how you play your Shepard you might never encounter Cerberus or the Shadow Broker in the first game at all and if you kill the Rachni Queen there is no promise of return in the second game. And if you never downloaded Lair of the SB you might be asking (even today) "the shadow who?" As you point out, there really is a lot of variety to the game play of ME1 and 2 while all of the DLC, books and comics add to the richness.
(SPOILERS)Maybe my next comment should go to another thread but I think the third game is going to continue to intermix its characters and develop in the manner you drew attention to in your post. Kai Ling will come over from the Retribution novel and The Prothians are said to have a great impact. Will we see the Rachni again and if so in what capacity? Personally I think there is going to be a totally unexpected surprise guest in the third game. The Raloi are going to bring it hard! I can see it now, when we least expect it those little immune suppressed bird people are going to swoop in and kick some Reaper butt!!! .............kidding.
Who would have thought that when we started ME 1 (however long ago it was for each of us) that it would have led us here and presented us with so many choices?
Hay, that's right! I'd totally forgotten about Kaidan killing his biotics teacher. Wow, what a badass! I like him even more now!
Hey, I thought Ash was pretty awesome. No mystery, no games (almost). And she was a great squadmate, whenever I would play as a tech expert, I would have her and Wrex in my squad at all times (regenerating health , heavy armor and assault rifle!). So she is a little xenophobic, big deal. Yes, I was dissapointed with a cold welcome on Horizon, but hey, in ME2 Liara didn't exactly give us a warm welcome either.
Oh, and btw, how about the fact that Kaidan killed his own teacher?siarhei
Kaidan killed his teacher out of anger after he hurt that girl. It wasn't a xenophobic killing :P
Yeah, it was strange how Wrex was the only squaddie to give Shep some form of luke-warm welcome in ME2, after being so rigid in the first game. But don't forget, both Liara and Kaidan/Ash have their own beef going on in ME2 - on both accounts it was issues that they couldn't discuss with Shep.
I won't delve into the spoilerific details.
I will be playing this game for the first time on September 20th, I am actually glad someone decided to make this thread. One question though, is it possible to save both Kaiden and Ashley? IndianaJones414 of them has to go :(
First time I played ME1 was May 2008. Had it for PC back then. Didn't even want to get the game at first, the cover was really cheesy and I wasn't impressed :P
Thankfully my curiosity got the better of me, and plus there werent many other games that looked somewhat interesting. I instantly liked the game when I tried it, but unfortunately I encountered a game-breaking glitch just after becoming a Spectre.
Had to wait until mid-June until it was fixed, and then cleared the game five times. After that I basically forgot about it and gave it away, but in early '09 I stumbled upon the ME2 teaser trailer (had absolutely no idea it was gonna be a trilogy so I was extremely delighted). Went to the nearest shop to buy ME1 for 360 and joined the official ME forums. :P
Shortly after I got invited here. All the old faces on the official forum slowly disappeared as new members joined the ME2 hype train. MEU, meanwhile, was growing quite fast with lots of activity so that's where I stayed.
I'll stop there, not gonna go into full union history :P
First time I played ME1 was May 2008. Had it for PC back then. Didn't even want to get the game at first, the cover was really cheesy and I wasn't impressed :P
Thankfully my curiosity got the better of me, and plus there werent many other games that looked somewhat interesting. I instantly liked the game when I tried it, but unfortunately I encountered a game-breaking glitch just after becoming a Spectre.
Had to wait until mid-June until it was fixed, and then cleared the game five times. After that I basically forgot about it and gave it away, but in early '09 I stumbled upon the ME2 teaser trailer (had absolutely no idea it was gonna be a trilogy so I was extremely delighted). Went to the nearest shop to buy ME1 for 360 and joined the official ME forums. :P
Shortly after I got invited here. All the old faces on the official forum slowly disappeared as new members joined the ME2 hype train. MEU, meanwhile, was growing quite fast with lots of activity so that's where I stayed.
I'll stop there, not gonna go into full union history :P
That is really cool, I was the same way with ME2, I have played many Bioware games in the past, to be honest I was a intimidated by playing this game, but my curiosity got the best of me as well and I found myself playing ME2 and I was instantly hooked and I should have never doubted Bioware because they are a video game company that has earned my respect in the past. But onto ME1, I am going to be playing ME1, in about a week, when I get my new Xbox 360. and I am so looking forward to playing this game.
I am going to be playing ME1, in about a week, when I get my new Xbox 360. and I am so looking forward to playing this game. IndianaJones414
Are you gonna' play ME2 on the 360 after that so you can import your story?
I kinda' have to...
Yeah, I will, that was my intention when getting the Xbox 360, to get Mass Effect 1, and beat it and then play Mass Effect 2, with my imported infromation from ME1, then I will continue to play ME3 with all my save imports from ME1 and ME2. IndianaJones414
Yay! Very excited for you to play it, friend!
Ensure that you rush here after finishing it to gush about it with us, okay? I promise you, you'll want to. :P
I've been meaning to play another playthrough, but I started another game again. Darn it. My priorities suck.
Maybe we can start our Mass Effect journey together, Indiana :')
I'm so slack though, you'll be finished ages before me.
Any idea what Class you're going to be? The classes in ME1 don't really have unique abilities like in Adrenaline Rush for Soldiers, no Tactical Cloak for Infiltrators; stuff like that...
Also, in order to open up locked doors and containers, you'll need someone in your squad who has some tech skills...not like in ME2 where you can open anything regardless of who is with you...
I'm sure I will once I finish ME1. Next week Tuesday will be when I start playing it. IndianaJones414
Any idea what Class you're going to be? The classes in ME1 don't really have unique abilities like in Adrenaline Rush for Soldiers, no Tactical Cloak for Infiltrators; stuff like that...
Also, in order to open up locked doors and containers, you'll need someone in your squad who has some tech skills...not like in ME2 where you can open anything regardless of who is with you...
Indiana, just seven days until launch, we need to start a countdown timer. Good hunting and keep us updated with how it's going! Majinstrings is right, the classes do play differently and there will be some differences that might throw you off at first. Just roll with it and give yourself some time, it's an awesome game, I hope you enjoy it too.
Majinstrings, (off topic) how did you get the word class to print? I thought GameSpot had a ban on that word? Something about "js exploits".
Majinstrings, (off topic) how did you get the word class to print? I thought GameSpot had a ban on that word? Something about "js exploits".
I've always been able to type up class without any problems except one time a couple weeks happened when I tried to attach a link to the word...or maybe the world class was in the link...I don't remember...
But my guess (and it's just a complete guess) is that you can't attach a link to the word or add a link that contains the word 'class'
...just a guess...
I will probably be a soldier more, for my class. Could you be a biotic in Mass Effect 1, like you can in Mass Effect 2?IndianaJones414
Yes, all of the classes that were in ME2 are in ME1...they're just a little different between games...
I think Biotics are a lot more powerful in ME1 than they are in ME2...
I like being the soldier, I think I will definitley do at least 2 playthroughs, one as a male Commander Shepard and 2nd as FemShep.
I like being the soldier, I think I will definitley do at least 2 playthroughs, one as a male Commander Shepard and 2nd as FemShep.
Always a good idea ;)
Gives you a chance to sample the romance options, too! Hehe.
I'll admit, I'm a sucker for Soldier too. Keep it simple. Guns are where it's at.
Though in ME2, you can choose a Biotic ability later in the game. Not sure if you can choose any of the tech abilities...
Regardless, I love Soldier.
Wow, no offense guys, but I think Soldier is a really boring class. :P
Infiltrator and Vanguard is where it's at! :D
I think the Soldier class was the absolute best in ME1 because of Heavy Armor (and Assault Rifles)...well, that was best for how I liked to play it; just run in and shoot up all the enemies as fast as I can...
You can't really do that too well in ME2...
[QUOTE="N7v1K0"]Wow, no offense guys, but I think Soldier is a really boring class. :P
Infiltrator and Vanguard is where it's at! :D
I think the Soldier class was the absolute best in ME1 because of Heavy Armor (and Assault Rifles)...well, that was best for how I liked to play it; just run in and shoot up all the enemies as fast as I can...
You can't really do that too well in ME2...
Ah but you can technically do that with any class in ME1 if you max out some useful talents
For example, and adept can have barrier, bastion sub class, and shield boost maxed out and it'll be nearly unstoppable combined with the rest of its powers
[QUOTE="majinstrings"][QUOTE="N7v1K0"]Wow, no offense guys, but I think Soldier is a really boring class. :P
Infiltrator and Vanguard is where it's at! :D
I think the Soldier class was the absolute best in ME1 because of Heavy Armor (and Assault Rifles)...well, that was best for how I liked to play it; just run in and shoot up all the enemies as fast as I can...
You can't really do that too well in ME2...
Ah but you can technically do that with any class in ME1 if you max out some useful talents
For example, and adept can have barrier, bastion sub class, and shield boost maxed out and it'll be nearly unstoppable combined with the rest of its powers
Oh yeah...I didn't really use powers too much, though (until playing Hardcore and Insanity)
Plus, the Assault Rifle is my favorite weapon (in any game, really)...if you had an HMWA-X with a couple certain upgrades, you would have a very accurate gun that could unleash an endless stream of shots without over-heating...
[QUOTE="N7v1K0"][QUOTE="majinstrings"][QUOTE="N7v1K0"]Wow, no offense guys, but I think Soldier is a really boring class. :P
Infiltrator and Vanguard is where it's at! :D
I think the Soldier class was the absolute best in ME1 because of Heavy Armor (and Assault Rifles)...well, that was best for how I liked to play it; just run in and shoot up all the enemies as fast as I can...
You can't really do that too well in ME2...
Ah but you can technically do that with any class in ME1 if you max out some useful talents
For example, and adept can have barrier, bastion sub class, and shield boost maxed out and it'll be nearly unstoppable combined with the rest of its powers
Oh yeah...I didn't really use powers too much, though (until playing Hardcore and Insanity)
Plus, the Assault Rifle is my favorite weapon (in any game, really)...if you had an HMWA-X with a couple certain upgrades, you would have a very accurate gun that could unleash an endless stream of shots without over-heating...
N7, I hear what you are saying about the biotics in ME1. I played the Adept, unlocked Singularity and then brought it over to my Vanguard and was insanely overpowered, even on the harder levels. Because the powers (or talents as they were called in ME) didn't all recharge at the same time like they do in ME2, I could just keep firing off powers one after another. There really was no stopping a fully powered biotic in ME1.
As to the soldier, I can't believe I'm saying this but I've never played the soldier cl@ss in ME1.
The Assault rifle is my favorite weapon in the game, do you get the assault rifle in ME1?IndianaJones414
Yes, Assault Rifles are in ME1...they're exclusive to Soldiers...
Sweet, I have grown to love that weapon, what is Saren like as a villain?IndianaJones414
Ah...kind of difficult to explain...
I never really hated's tricky to explain what Saren is like as a villain without exposing a ME1 spoiler...
I just think the soldier, is more prepared in a fight, I seem to like to settle things with the gun, than with some biotic ability.
I just think the soldier, is more prepared in a fight, I seem to like to settle things with the gun, than with some biotic ability.
You see, this is exactly why the Mass Effect games should have a competitive M.P. You think your Soldier is all that, I think my Adept cannot be stopped. We should be able to settle this on the battlefield, High Noon style.
Come on BioWare, let's have some multiplayer!! All the cool kid are doing it!
If they ever do a multiplayer, lewfa, you're on. lol
Oh, you want summa this? That's right Indie! Bring all the guns you want!!It's already bin bra-en!! :lol:
I know you are just days away from starting your ME1 adventure and are thinking about playing the Soldier (..........whatever), but seriously, keep us updated as you go, I'm curious to know what your experience is playing the games in reverse order.
You got it, I will keep you guys informed on my progress in ME1.
You gonna' do every side-mission or just get through the main story as fast as possible?
One more day after today and I will have my Xbox 360 and will be able to play Mass Effect 1.
Exciting stuff isn't it :)
I remember getting my first xbox too. Though, I had no idea what games were available back then... :P
Looking forward to hearing about what you think about ME1!
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