uh, I hope y'all get to see this.
Do you guys put skill points on Charm/Intimidate? I mean I know they improve as your Paragon/Renegade points raise up, but do you put some skill points to quicken the process?
I think Paragon/Renegade dialogue options are dependant on your Charm/Intimidate points in ME1...I think if you have a really high Paragon score but don't put any points into Charm, your Paragon dialogue options will be very limited...I think...not 100% certain...
Made sure to max out my Charm/Intimidate during most of my playthroughs...unfortunately, that lead to mostly Full Paragon or Full Renegade playthroughs...
But you don't put your skill points into them when you level up?
Yeah, I did...I made sure to put 1 or 2 points into Charm or Intimidate and then whatever leftover points I had I would put into Assualt Rifles or Heavy Armor or something...
But there's a cap on how many points you can put into Charm/Intimidate...in order to raise that cap, you need to get more Paragon or Renegade points...
For example, if you were playing as a pure Paragon and never get any Renegade points, you'll only be able to put like 3 points into Intimidate, I think...
This is taken from the Wiki:
Paragon points increase the available ranks in Charm; you also get extra Charm points from becoming a Spectre. As you obtain more Charm points, additional dialogue options will become available and you can unlock the 'Store Discount' which gives lower prices when buying from merchants.
Using Charm to resolve an apparently impossible situation can unlock the 'Charismatic' achievement.
Players should note that in the course of working toward 75% Paragon, four of the 12 points you can assign to Charm can be obtained simply by playing the game. So, to effectively assign skill points, a player could assign only eight points for Charm and still max out their Charm skill once their character reaches 75% Paragon. Additionally, as skills carry over from each playthrough of the game, it's possible to max Charm without spending any skill points through multiple playthroughs. (Each time you become a Spectre, you'll get a free point, as well as each time you raise your Paragon bar to a certain level, since the Paragon bar resets for each playthrough.)
Thanks for the tips, It's good to know I'm not too late yet.
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