Hi, I've signed up recently and started rating some games but I was hoping I could change the platform I played on when I rate games, is there any way to do so?
For example, I played Helldivers, Dying Light and Dead Space on PC and Dead Space 2 on Xbox 360, yet they all show different platforms. Helldivers rating for PS4 version, Dying Light for MAC etc, here's a reference image to exactly what I'm saying https://imgur.com/a/o7KuHF2 (I hope I'm allowed to post links).
I tried rating the games on the specific platform GameSpot reviews but they are all linked into one rating for users, and I tried finding games themselves and hoping there'd be a drop down menu for platform or something, but nothing. Is there any way I can do what I'm asking? Or do I just have to accept this is how it is? It triggers my OCD lol.
Oh, while I'm at it I may as well ask, is there any way to rearrange stacks? Also, can you make your ratings/stacks private?
Thanks in advance! I hope this is the right place to ask these questions, I wasn't sure where exactly to post to get help.
Note: I did find some info about this same problem by searching old threads, but the info is old and in other versions of the website, so maybe something has changed, so I thought I may as well ask here.
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