I wish I could be more specific, but I seem to have a lot of problems with the blog posts. I know it's not very helpful for me to post here without a specific instance.
More often than not when I go to post a blog my message is truncated and near half is deleted, formatting is strange even when I fix the HTML and BB code in the source version, and sometimes it doesn't even post...
Are these temporary? Am I the only one with these problems? Are these on their way to being fixed?
I wish I could be more helpful, if I have another specific instance I will be sure to note it in mor detail.
Everyone has these problems now and then. It's just a temp. glitch that happens. Even when I post it happens. I just refreash the page and it works. Don't worry, it's not a long-time glitch.
I think your having the problem where some words are forbidden or something along those lines, for example 'classic' is one of the words that cause some of your post to get deleted, it only seems to happen in blogs, thats all I really know the problem will hopefully get fixed soon.
Funny.. I just made a post in the Off-Topic forums about my music library. It got to the point where I had written that most of my albums are classic rock. Anyway, when I went to post it, where 'classic' should have been was the word 'forbidden', and the remainder of my post was absent. I had to quickly delete the whole message before someone posted in it, because due to Gamespot's glitch it would have made absolutely no sense to anyone.
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