I completely agree. This new format feels extremely laggy. I don't mean to be a jerk GS, but why do you insist on fixing what is not broken? First there was the .5 change to reviews, and now this. I posted in a union last night and it used the old forum format, and what a pleasure it was. Typing now is a pain and a hassle, especially for someone who is a decent typist. Backspacing takes sometimes up to 3 seconds to register, letters are late to appear, and the spellchecker is very much a hassle in comparison to the old "click to fix" one. Edits now show as large text which make it appear as part of the main body, sentences won't underline and italics are not always reliable, and sometimes the editing bar up at top won't appear at all for like 15 seconds. You know about all of these I'm sure, but I sincerely hope these issues will be fixed at some point in the future. I'm using Vista 32bit, my system is a screamer so I know this is not the problem. I'm using IE 7 also.
I love this site, and find it for the most part very well laid out and easily accessible and rely on it often for gaming goodness, but a few of your changes have been questionable. The majority of responses in the regular forums have been very negative towards these changes. Would it be out of the question to conduct a poll and change it back accordingly?
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