Before I continue I want to be clear: I'm not in any position to decide whether or not it stays or goes, that decision is entirely down to the admins, this is largely just to get any idea of how people feel about the current set up, seen as it's popped up a few times now. As such, I can't promise anything will change. My opinions here also do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the rest of the moderator team nor GS on the whole. Filter changes will continue to be made in the future, but whether or not further changes will be clearly visible to the community on the whole is a different matter. Obviously filter bypassing to insult people is an issue, as are false positives. Unfortunately dealing with the former also causes more of the latter in general.
@rarson said:
I would MUCH prefer no filter at all. I believe people should learn to just ignore "offensive" comments, as the people who write them simply feed off of negative replies anyway. Ignore them long enough and they'll go away. All the filter does is restrict word choice, which leads people to either use different words to post their offensive replies or to use punctuation hacks to post the exact same words anyway.
Meanwhile, I take the time to write a lengthy response, as I'm prone to doing, to try to actually discuss something at length and I'm banging my head against the wall because the stupid filter is stopping me even though I'm not using any "offensive" words. The word "pending" may as well mean "rejected" because I've never seen one of those posts show up after any period of time, and it seems like comment moderation takes days anyway. By that point, the conversation I was attempting to take part in is essentially dead. At least with the old auto-blocking, it's immediately clear that your post is rejected.
I agree with Thanatos2k, this current system is the worst of both worlds. I can probably count the number of truly offensive comments that I've read on Gamespot on one hand. There really is no need for such high levels of moderation. I thought that Gamespot had gotten lax on the language, since they started using words like "shit" in videos (by the way, you can bleep it out, but when we know what you're saying, the effect is exactly the same as if it hadn't been bleeped out) and I've been seeing comments all over the place with that word and other "obscenities" in them, but now all of the sudden I can't even post a comment without any profanity in it.
I understand that freedom of speech doesn't apply to Gamespot. But freedom of speech teaches us to be tolerant of the speech of others, and that's a lesson that I think is valuable to a community like Gamespot. Treat people like children and they will act like children. Try treating them like adults. I know not everyone here is an adult, but that doesn't mean they can't act like one.
Ignoring and flagging would be best, but a lot of the time that simply doesn't happen, often people flag and reply but at the same time they often reply without flagging - similarly some people mass post offensive comments for whatever reason and the filter often helps to massively reduce the damage they can cause when a moderator isn't actively watching a stream or livefyre on the whole. Let's not forget that a fair few false positives come through users flagging comments as well - especially via the 'disagree' flag. The old filter was also designed to make users think they were being ignored until they realised they were actually being blocked as the comment still displayed while that particular account was logged in. Punctuation and the like being used to bypass the filter is obviously an issue that has made the more transparent setup of using pending instead of auto-hiding a problem due to the amount of people intentionally bypassing it now.
A significant number of pending posts are allowed almost immediately, especially in new articles, including some with inoffensive use of profanities - due to the sheer volume of comments some do admittedly end up getting left for days however, which ideally is only going to be a short-term issue but I can't make any promises on that one I'm afraid. That was only the case with auto-blocking if you viewed it from a different account or while logged out (which meant a separate page and finding it in the stream) - the old system only hid the comments for other users, not the user that posted it. We had very few complaints as a result, but over time thousands of false positives were deleted by the filter with no one the wiser in most cases.
At a glance, there's consistently more than 100 comments removed each day, sometimes 500+, not including any comments stuck in pending. Some days this can account for 10% or more of the total comments posted. These vary in extremity from porn&death threats to people just throwing insults at each other repeatedly and random spam rather than posting anything worthwhile. If not for filters&moderators I'd be willing to bet it'd be far worse than system wars, to say the least. I'd say we're reasonably lenient on what's allowed and what isn't tbh - the problem is that the filter isn't particularly smart and the few ruin it for the many when it comes to several words.
Surely you can see how the term 'moron' can be used offensively and hence why it is filtered? Yes there are false positives (although not many for that particular word), the filter isn't really able to read context, only words and phrases, and as such there are almost always both upsides and downsides to adding terms to it. Personally I'd actually like the filters tweaked/split - one list of words/phrases that are outright disallowed, and then one for terms that are merely often used to insult others, which would allow us to clear up false positives more readily and potentially even eventually get the filter smart enough to block most inappropriate comments with a minimal amount of false positives. That is of course an ideal, and not necessarily going to prove practical, especially in the short term - livefyre in general currently only supports a single customisable 'profanity' filter and a 'spam' filter that to my knowledge cannot be modified directly. It's worth mentioning that the filter was made stricter at one point already due to many users being frequently particularly offensive towards certain editors as well as other users in a manner that resulted in a significant amount of manual removals being necessary.
@Thanatos2k said:
Just drop the filter. Entirely. What you need to do is actually start moderating comments. As in - temp bans for people who post truly objectionable material. Right now, all you do is delete the posts, and there's no indication or justification that it was done. This means no feedback for offenders to know what is or isn't actually out of line, and no real punishment. This is utterly terrible and not a way to run a comments section.
Either let everything fly, or actually do something about it. This current system is the worst of both worlds. You say that dropping the filter would require mods to have to deal with tons of flagging - well right now they have to deal with what is likely an order of magntitude more "pending" post approvals. Sounds horrible.
We have quite a few mods taking part in the comment sections frequently, but it's not really practical to moderate every article all the time, especially with the comments often moving far faster overall than any other specific area of the site. We also have handed out bans (perm ones at that in some cases) on multiple occasions for people being rude (or worse) in the comments. Increasing strictness is certainly something we can consider, but that's not directly related to the whether or not the filter stays. Almost certainly not a removal of the filter to coincide with being stricter at that. The livefyre system is currently still poorly integrated and it's quite impractical to send a PM manually for every single comment that has to be removed - Strike PMs are still sent however when the acting moderator feels it is warranted, this is the same as how the forum currently works, merely that more comments are removed without a PM explaining precisely why due to how impractical it is to do so in the current system. There's a difference between flagged things getting overwhelming and pending ones: flagged ones may be crucial to be removed immediately, especially in extreme cases, whereas pending prevents such things from being visible to begin with, so it doesn't matter so much if we're a little slow to get to it..the biggest problem with pending atm is the fact that there's so many false positives to begin with, but that has been the case for a long time already - the only difference now is that users can see that their comments haven't gotten through the automated filter more easily by the pending marker, which is obviously causing some unrest.
@WolfgarTheQuiet said:
Well i just wrote a comment with no foul language and linked gameplay video from Dailymotion just to show quality is better then youtube and its also pending comment. Im not saying just foul language attacks on other comments but in general, i often use "fucking hell" in speech or if i have opinion on something lol. Nothing bad about that.
Filter needs to be dropped all together. As i said if you get offended by language on the internet, dont use the internet.
All media is automatically sent to pending because there have been cases of images/videos/links being used to post porn in the comment sections. That filter has been in place for a long time now. I'm fairly certain the pending will be staying for that one too as it's quite practical for us to check them all least when they're not hidden amongst many others, anyway. An account on the site only 'requires' an age of 13, which includes access to (almost) all the forums/comment streams, so we obviously want to be restricting adult content - having it visible even briefly is detrimental to the user experience for many users regardless of age as well, they don't come here for that sort of thing. Similarly users obviously don't want to be harassed or attacked in general - and expletives, among other terms, are commonly used for such things, hence why the filter blocks them.
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