@Thanatos2k: Livefyre was implemented quite some time before the site redesign, but that's fair enough criticism - though I can't promise anything in terms of what will happen.
On who makes/oversees such decisions - we're volunteer moderators and are little more privy to the inner workings of the company than you or any other user is, so we can't say with confidence exactly who makes the decision, and as such it would be inappropriate to give a name of a specific staff member as that would be little more than an attempt to hold them accountable, regardless of whether or not they're actually the person (or group of people) making said decision. Sure my guess would probably be more informed than yours, but it'd still be a guess. Arguably it doesn't even really matter who makes the decision either, so long as concerns make their way up to said person and the decision isn't taken lightly. Said staff post is merely saying that the information is going to be passed on to those higher up in the GS work hierarchy too. It's worth noting that those making the decisions are unlikely to have the time to read and reply to threads on the forums much due to other responsibilities either, but information will still be passed onto them as appropriate nonetheless.
As an aside/update on the pending/filter issues: it's well under control now and will hopefully stay that way, so all comments caught by the filter will hopefully be allowed through (or removed if inappropriate) within a far more reasonable time period. The filter itself still needs some work if livefyre is going to be staying long term however as it currently involves quite a lot of manual work.
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