@life359: thanks.
you've spared me from more great insight like
@life359 said:
If CDNs are charging more to serve content over https that's just ridiculous. That's gouging, plain and simple. Take your business elsewhere.
i'm sure the gamespot team will never have considered that and after reading it they'll all be like "oh yeah... we never thought about using a different CDN before, this guy's a genius."
so all they need to do is switch CDNs, which is obviously child's play for a site the size of this with as much content as they have, do a quick find and replace for hard coded http links and hey presto they'll be ssl compliant before you know it. it's a simple as that.
looking forward to more pearls of development wisdom from you
just seen your original response:
"So you've went out of your way to find other websites that have refused to get on board with proper https support?"
not at all. i literally chose the first three gaming websites i could think of that are similar to gs. two didn't have any preventative measures in place and the third does exactly what gamespot does. just to demonstrate why your original statement of "Why are you... forcing https back to http? You must be the only site left on the Internet that I know of that does this. I can think of no other site I visit that actually forces back to http" was a ridiculous thing to say.
at least gs actually have preventative measures in place because there are countless large scale sites that don't. if you'd been a bit more rational and simply asked why they don't have https enabled, instead of all the incredulity, condescension and hyperbole i wouldn't have resorted to sarcasm
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