At the suggestion of Jerell_Rest, I am submitting this suggestion here. Original located here.
Looking at the list of registrants for the UT3 tournament, there's an awful lot of new users (i.e. Level 1). Sure, it's a great way for GS to attract new blood, but it makes me feel like I'm not playing with the rest of the community, the best reason to come here. Further, what good are the accounts if they are only here for the tournament and then leave?
It'd be great if users with old accounts or higher levels - like Yian and cell_dweller - received some preferential treatment for their dedication and tenure. I might also suggest a tiered system: paid users get first shot at registration, followed by unpaid, tenured users (maybe by either level or join date), before allowing in new accounts.
I'm also nervous most of these UT3 registrants will be hardcore, professionals registering for prizes rather than a desire to play a great game with community friends, and I will get utterly obliterated. Oh, who am I kidding, I'll get obliterated either way!
Anyway, my two cents. It certainly will not impact this tournament, but might be considered going forward.
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