My favorite is the SNES. I think that the 2-D platformers and action games and the host of good RPGs on that platform really cinches it for me. Also, I had a SNES before I had an NES, and by the time I played the NES, my preference was firmly established. It seems like the GBA games that I like the most and sell well are those that emulate the gameplay of the best SNES games. People still like gameplay in 2-D, which is a testament to the fun of games made in the 16-bit era.
[QUOTE="amorphe"] I have to be able to play earthbound, FF III, chrono trigger ..... do I need to go on?uh... ok... double dragon 2, super mario 3, river city ransom, castlevania 1 & 3... do i need to go on?
ok super mario all stars, castlevania IV, Dracula X, Super Double Dragon, Battletoads and Double Dragon, Donkey Kong Countrys, Link to the past(my fav zelda game), Mega Man Xs, Mario RPG, Super Metroid
do i need to go on?
my favorite nintendo console is the snes because it has the best selection of rpgs and it had some really good platformers.
my favorite nintendo handheld is the gbasp, lot of good rpgs and ports plus it plays all the older games
least favortie is the n64, no rpgs, perfect dark was awesome though
NES. No question 'bout it.
It was the first proper console I had, my brother and I got it for Christmas when I was about 3/4. There's so many great games, some real forgotten gems too.
Over here it's much more of a collector's piece than in the US. I've still got my original console, boxed and everything. I modded the deck a few years back to play US and Euro B imports but apart from that it could be brand new. No yellowing and works like a dream. It's my baby.
Noticing that nostalgia is playing a major factor here.
While I love the N64 for precisely that reason, I have to say that, objectively, the Super Nintendo has the best games out of the bunch. On average, the games are just better, and there are more excellent games on the system. Comparing the N64's great host of games like Ocarina of Time, Banjo-Kazooie, Banjo-Tooie, Donkey Kong 64, Goldeneye, Perfect Dark, Conker's Bad Fur Day, Paper Mario, Ogre Battle 64, Mario Kart 64, and Super Mario 64 to the almost limitless great game library of the SNES is really difficult.
Least favorite? Probably the NES or Wii. Wii probably wins simply because it lacks the Dragon Quest factor the NES has.
My first instinct is to always answer SNES, becuase it is by far, one of my favorite systems. However, I have to go with the DS, 'cause the bottom line is I actually finish games on a regular basis on that system -- it is simply more playable for me.
It also has an awesome library, and when you add in the ability to play GBA games as well it edges out the SNES by a nose.
In the SNES's favor it just has great colors, great RPGs, wonderful controller, and with the GameBoy Player (which pre-dated the urban trend in gaming by 10 years :P ) then it is a close second.
[QUOTE="totalgridlock"]Is there something with Nintendo and yellow hardware? I swear my Wii Nunchuck analog stick turned a pretty pale shade of yellow, and I'm not the only one who's had that happen to them.Over here it's much more of a collector's piece than in the US. I've still got my original console, boxed and everything. I modded the deck a few years back to play US and Euro B imports but apart from that it could be brand new. No yellowing and works like a dream. It's my baby.
Too many Cheetos gawk ;) Yeah actually my wife's DSLites shoulder buttons have gone yellow too.
[QUOTE="totalgridlock"]Is there something with Nintendo and yellow hardware? I swear my Wii Nunchuck analog stick turned a pretty pale shade of yellow, and I'm not the only one who's had that happen to them.Over here it's much more of a collector's piece than in the US. I've still got my original console, boxed and everything. I modded the deck a few years back to play US and Euro B imports but apart from that it could be brand new. No yellowing and works like a dream. It's my baby.
I think in the days of the NES and SNES it was something to do with the plastic they used, something about a fireproofing compound using in the forming of the plastic reacting with the light over time. My SNES is a bit yellowed, but mainly on the bottom section of the casing so its not very noticable. My NES has been sitting in the light for about 18 years though and never changed colour one bit!
Can't say I've noticed it on Wii stuff. I don't own one personally but my friends' consoles and accessories are still all Daz white.
Actually, I read a nice article on the thing some time ago... one moment... Googling... ah, here it is.
[QUOTE="totalgridlock"]... are still all Daz white.
Oh, it's a brand of laundry detergent here. They used to have these really annoying TV ads: the Daz Doorstep Challenge and the guy would always end up saying "That's not white, that's Daz white!" or something like that. Kind of a culture thing.
[QUOTE="aspro73"][QUOTE="totalgridlock"]... are still all Daz white.
Oh, it's a brand of laundry detergent here. They used to have these really annoying TV ads: the Daz Doorstep Challenge and the guy would always end up saying "That's not white, that's Daz white!" or something like that. Kind of a culture thing.
Heh, now I remember those ads. We had those downunder too.
i would have to say snes. Although i owned a genesis, i played more snes in my friends house. It had a plethora of games, most which can be argued to be in the top 20 of any game lists.
It introduced 6 button layout that made games more fun because there were more things a game can do with 6 buttons. rpg's were fantastic. 2d fighters like sf2,mk 1-3. killer instinct,fatal fury, ports of samurai shodown. and the platformers. it was when something didn't have to look that pretty or realistic, it was just addicting and fun.
nes started it, but snes put the stamp on ninty's legacy.
I was hoping to give some sort of deep answer, something that would raise debate and cause Aspro to throw his computer monitor across the room,
But saidly this is one of those Occam's Razor situations,
I gotta say SNES.
Maybe its a youth thing, but in 2008 I sit in my theater room clutching a brandy glass staring at nearly 1000 games over 27 consoles and gripe that I have "nothing to play". I then find myself walking into gaming stores looking to get something...heck anything that will keep my interest for more then an hour...
I tap my fingers waiting for "the next big game" to come out on any console and when it does I don't respect it, I don't take my time with it, I burn through and don't even wait for the credits to roll anymore...almost feel like I should leave the money on the table as I leave.
During the SNES era I was never bored. Never.
While I looked forward to new games, there was always a wealth of games that I would be perfectly content playing till the next "big thing". A game like "Polk" or "Bubsy" was interesting and playable and was not broken or rushed to market.
Even the "C" games like Soul Blazer, UN Squadron, and Lagoon were great experiences.
Perhaps its just "comfort gaming" but I think I just liked gaming more back then?
I was hoping to give some sort of deep answer, something that would raise debate and cause Aspro to throw his computer monitor across the room,
But saidly this is one of those Occam's Razor situations,
I gotta say SNES.
Maybe its a youth thing, but in 2008 I sit in my theater room clutching a brandy glass staring at nearly 1000 games over 27 consoles and gripe that I have "nothing to play". I then find myself walking into gaming stores looking to get something...heck anything that will keep my interest for more then an hour...
I tap my fingers waiting for "the next big game" to come out on any console and when it does I don't respect it, I don't take my time with it, I burn through and don't even wait for the credits to roll anymore...almost feel like I should leave the money on the table as I leave.
During the SNES era I was never bored. Never.
While I looked forward to new games, there was always a wealth of games that I would be perfectly content playing till the next "big thing". A game like "Polk" or "Bubsy" was interesting and playable and was not broken or rushed to market.
Even the "C" games like Soul Blazer, UN Squadron, and Lagoon were great experiences.
Perhaps its just "comfort gaming" but I think I just liked gaming more back then?
i think our standards got too high. or we are more easily amused when we were younger. but those games were awesome
Even the "C" games like Soul Blazer, UN Squadron, and Lagoon were great experiences.
*Throws computer monitor across the room*
Oops...that wasn't mine...
I LOVED those games..."C" games??? I went looking for a "C" game in my stuff and the first one I came up with was Lester the Unlikely...
I had to go with the SNES based upon gut reaction. Even though I had a NES first, and arguably had just as many good memories with it. And even though a GBA can offer pretty much the same thing as a SNES graphically and is portable and is backwards compatible with GBC and GB (giving it a monster library of playable games). So, despite my head is telling me to go with either of those, my heart has told me to go with the SNES.
Even the "C" games like Soul Blazer, UN Squadron, and Lagoon were great experiences.
UN Squadron! I love UN Squadron! :)
Perhaps its just "comfort gaming" but I think I just liked gaming more back then?
Comfort gaming. Hmmm... I've never thought about it before, but that's such a wonderful concept, and I can really relate to it too. Much like how comfort foods can make you feel all warm and cozy, and lighten your mood if you're feeling down, I can remember several times I've popped in an old "favorite" game I may have already played to death, just to have some fun with it. With no intention to "play through" it, or finish it; it gives much the same results as a comfort food.
N64 Hands Down.
First of I was kinda tooyoung to really appreciate the Nes or Snes propaly, the N64 was my console when I was growing up. I played one of my Banjo Kazooie files was 74 hours long! Now that either proved I sucked at it, or I loved it. There is somthing about the N64's graphics too that I adore, there just Qwarktastic! The design of the controller was Qwarktastic aswell, and comon this was the console that had so many good games. I'm not gonna say Ocarina of Time or Super Mario 64 lolz I don't wanna be like everybody else. i mean Paper Mario and Conkers Bad Fur day, there great!
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