:lol: That is funny!!
And I find that I work quite well with other people. Of course, I usually try to work with someone that I know and like. Thankfully, we are very rarely paired off with people at random, so I haven't yet worked on a project where I've done all the work.
And how is Tales of the Abyss going, Twilight??
Tales of the Abyss is both a game and an anime TV show. And it's freaking sweet. MIEU!!!!!!
Emperor Peony is great, isn't he? In the game, there's a scene where the group finds a sword in his rappig room, and they want to borrow it... and of course, Peony makes them beg. :lol: Freaking hilarious, especially when Jade insists on begging, too. :lol: :lol: :lol:
Did Luke cut his hair yet? That's when he stops being annoying and is actually pretty cool. And his relationship with Mieu is really great, and just gets better as things progress. I always get a little choked up when they have to say goodbye to each other at the very end. :cry:
They make it clear in the very beginning that Mieu will only be with Luke for one cycle of seasons. So it's not much of a spoiler ;) Trust me, I would have used the spoiler tags for something VERY major like...
[spoiler] Who dies in the last episode! :cry: [/spoiler]
He did briefly take his mask off but you couldn't really see anything. :( I really need to watch some more as soon as finals finish! It's so much fun. :P
And yes, Aidan, Luke did cut his hair. I was pretty shocked when he did. It was like, "Whoa! Did he just do that!?"
You know what was pretty obvious though? The fact that Luke was:
[spoiler] Asch's replica. I've never played the game or anything before, but even *I* knew they were somehow connected from the beginning. Doesn't mean it didn't shock me though when they stated it for real. [/spoiler]
I wish I could sit still long enough to watch a movie :x
And Luke with short hair is much better than long haired Luke. He's much cuter, too :D I have a picture of him with short hair as my desktop image right now :lol: Oh, I had forgotten about that first scene when Sync's mask comes off right in front of Guy. I won't talk about that second scene when he shows his face!
[spoiler] And I wasn't really shocked that Luke was Asch's replica, either. They look and sound pretty much the same. Many of the game's OTHER twists caught me completely by surprise, though! Largo has quite a shocking one! [/spoiler]
Yep. Courtney got me hooked on it! :P And I have a Tales of the Abyss wallpaper too! Guy is so cute in that one...uh, I mean, nothing! :x
Oh and guess what?! I went and saw the new Star Trek movie today. ^_^ I only rolled my eyes 5 times and actually stayed in my seat! :P (it's sort of hard for me to focus on movies for the most part....dunno why. Except Spirited Away and the Matrix. Those were the only ones I've actually sat through the whole way...:lol: )
I heard that the new Trek movie is actually pretty good. I'm gonna go and see it soon. My friends are planning a big Star Trek day soon, so we're gonna see the movie and head down to Detroit to see the big Star Trek exhibit at the science center. I guess they've got all sorts of props and sets from the TV shows and movies there. Maybe I'll get to sit in Kirk's chair... and deliver... some odd... dialogue... :lol: I heard there were Romulans in the movie, too. They're my favorites!
It was okay. :P At least, it was better than the very first Star Trek movie. :x That was abysmal. And yes, there are Romulans in the movie. How do they fit in , seeing as this is based on the Original series, you may ask? You'll see. ;)
Oh I've seen quite a few of the movies. That's what my parents are into. Star Trek. So I've seen A LOT of Star Trek. More than anyone should have to see...
And who said anything about time travel? :x That's just crazy...:P
By a *bunch* you mean Aidan, right? :P
How was the Wolverine movie anyway? (not like I'm going to see it or anything...:P)
What point? :P
Oh, okay fine. I'm a geek. :evil: :evil: :evil: A very cute geek, I might add. :lol: But that's not the point! :x I guess I'm just doomed to be the least coolest memeber of the Catz Clan because I watch Star Trek. :cry: And I guess saying I watch Stargate wouldn't help matters either...:cry:
hey your cool :D and dont feel bad myreally popular friend is a huge fan of stargate infact he has every episode and the boardgame
You two are so nice! ^_^ I was actually being a bit dramatic to tell you the truth...:lol: I guess there is a downside to being such a drama freak sometimes. :P
The only uncool one here is Aidan. Ignore what I said in my blog.
How was the Wolverine movie anyway? (not like I'm going to see it or anything...:P)It was good. Better then I expected.twilightlullaby
About the Pink Panther thing, their meh. Although the part where he tries to say hamburger was funny. :P
...Twilight creates a little drama and gets everyone telling her how cool she is. If I were to do the same thing and claim that I was an uncool geek, everyone would agree with me :cry: Aidan129
Yeah. 8) Captain Awesome is in the house...:lol: People just love me, what can I say? :D ...and for the record, I don't think anyone here is an uncool geek EXCEPT the people who never post. :( That's just not right!
Oh and anyone watched LotR lately? I was bored today....(after finals! :D) so I started watching some of the first one again. I forgot how beautiful the scenery is. :P
Did you know that the twilight dude never washes his hair bbkkristian
Are you working for Aidan?!!?! And I'm a GIRL! :x Now I'm going to get you! :x :x :x
Oh Sorry! My bad, :x Dont kill me!
Whats everyones favorite movie?
Mines Rush Hour 2 & 3 :D:D either that or Spiderman *Spiderman Symbol* :D
Yeah, I'll let it slide...this time. because I'm just that cute. ^_^
My favorite movies (for this year) are Matrix and Spirited Away! They're both ,like, polar opposites! :P
What Bbkk meant by that twilight dude never washes his hair is the movie Twilight. Right? That's what I thought when I first read the comment anyway...
...Twilight creates a little drama and gets everyone telling her how cool she is. If I were to do the same thing and claim that I was an uncool geek, everyone would agree with me :cry: Aidan129I totally agree.
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