Hi there passionate F1 fans,
I owe this union and its members a big apology for being absent for a quite a time. I had different types of problems that obstructed me from carrying out my duties as the leader of the Formula One Passion Union.
Nevertheless, I'm back with high determination and new plans to lift up the union and take it up through the ranks. However, to do this I will need the maximum cooperation from the officers and members, and here I have to touch on a sensitive point.
It's no secret that for a union to be successful it needs active officers, and although we have been lucky to have some great founders and officers along the way, there are some that haven't been active for a quite a time. I see a couple of very active members who deserve to have the little orange box under their name. Therefore, in case the current officers fail to show some serious activity in the next week or so, I'll be compelled to demote some eventhough I hate to do it.
As for the F1PU BATracer season, we are going to create a new game. I have yet to check again with Ben regarding the prize. I need an officer to carry out the preparations, therefore any officer willing to volunteer please PM me ASAP.
In the end, I would like to thank all those active officers and members that maintained the activity in the union during my absence. Again, I apologize for my absence all this time. If you have any general questions regarding the union, then please feel free to ask me. Let us take this union up the ranks together. :)
Thank you so much for taking time to read this letter.
Kind regards,
aloushi87 (The F1PU Leader)
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