It would be a shame, but I understand why he'd want to quit Honda. Let's face it, they suck, and Jenson has been brought down with the team. He needs to get with a better team otherwise he'll lose his driving skills through frustration. When the Honda was a great car, he perfomed brilliantly, with 10 podium finishes in 2004, but after that the Honda just fell apart in terms of performance, and it's sad that Jenson's career has been so badly damaged by this. But at least he got that race win he always wanted I suppose.
I agree that he needs to leave, but what team will want a driver who doesnt honour his contracts? Dave Richards has claimed Button is "the beckham oh F1" so maybe theres a chance at Prodrive for him.
Things may have been different if he had of stuck with his williams contract.....
I think its an empty threat. I seriously doubt hes gona retire with just one race win after 7 seasons. IMO this tells us he is thinkin about moving team
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