Mist Points has more of a ring to it. But I'd like to know if Mist Knacks are set to people or if you can re-arrange them to different people in this game. I've read you can change them around to different people. :?Manaka-kun
You cannot re-arrange it. Each character can learn 3 mist knacks. It does not matter in which part of the lcense board they learn it.
A noteworthy info about mist knack is that, using it alone does not matter a lot... It's deal few hundred damag as compared to your regular attacks.
If you want to get the best out of it, you should chain your character's mist knacks.
Once you activate mist knack mode for a single character, the other characters' mist knack may also be activated. If they have siffiecient MP, then their mist knack will surely be available for chain at least once. If your other characters have 0 or insufficient MP, their mist knacks will be available randomly (press or hold R2 to shuffle and wish your luck that that it'll be available for chain).
You will know that it is available if you see the button corresponding to your character.
If you are using 3 characters:
T - char. 1
S - char. 2
X - char. 3
Use Mist Knack of Char. 3, T, S amd/or X may appear below that characters mist knack animation whiel he/she is performing it. Press the necessary button and you'll perform another mist knack, thus, resulting into chains.
If you are successful with chaining, you will get a free final blow which hits all enemies in the immediate area. The final blow depends on how many chains you were able to make successfully.
If your characters have learned all 3 mist knacks designated to him/her, you will have to choose it at first (dependent on amoun tof MP). When doing the chains, the mist knack will be chosen at random.
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