Curahee: History of Final Fantasy Experience
Curahee means “We Stand Alone Together”, and that’s the key why FFE is standing still after all the difficulties we have faced in the past. Everyone stood together alone despite all the criticisms and we have overcome all of it flying colors.
This may not be a good presentation of our history, but I tried my best to make it one. All information in this article are base don facts as supported by our huge archive of posts and comments.
Learn more about FFE… This is our story.
I. The Foundations
Pre-Creation Period
It all began at the backyard of the Metal Gear Solid Network Union. When the leader, deathseeker, went AWOL for some time, the officers, then, felt that they were abandoned and made a nice plan, which eventually led to the creation of one of the most successful unions in GameSpot.
The officers mgatson, Cloud_Soup, B1wfdz33, pvtvaladez, storm1110, LIK, videdeogamegirl105, BMO999 and Jumbo120788 sharing the same interest not only in the Metal Gear Solid series, but also in the Final Fantasy series decided to create the union we now love and enjoy.
The Birth of the Union
After days of planning, finally, on May 25, 2005, the “The Final Fantasy Experience Union” (FFE), was established with Cloud_Soup, B1wfdz33, pvtvaladez, storm1110 and mgatson as founding members; the latter being chosen as the union leader.
Few hours after the establishment of FFE, LIK, videdeogamegirl105, BMO999 and Jumbo120788 were promoted to officership.
II. The Union
From the day of establishment, FFE immediately showed great potential to become a successful union. Above all, it has the most important elements for a union to succeed: ACT… Activity, Character and Traffic.
Activity. FFE is known to be one of the most active unions in GameSpot. Our archives show that the early activities in the union focused on games, quizzes, social discussions and occasional Final Fantasy (FF) news. These things ensured that members will have a great time with the union. Subsequent changes in union policies turned FFE in a more organized and professional union, but still able to maintain the fun atmosphere around.
Character. FFE has a character of its own. Although it tries to imitate things to improve the union, its own identity remained intact. The union remained faithful to its policy that fun is the reason why the union was created. All the efforts of a union would be useless if members do not enjoy it at all. It is not bound by the strict rules on topicality, but it has developed the culture of mature and organized activity with the implementation of concrete rules on Off-Topic activities without sacrificing much of the fun. We may not be serious all the time and even acts like a child at times, but it does not mean that we are immature.
Another character of FFE, which is worthy of mentioning is the loyalty of people maintaining it. Whether officers or regular members, everyone takes an active part in union-building. Each true member has remained loyal to FFE. We’ve lost many active members in the past, but still we remain. Don’t try to degrade FFE or you’ll taste the wrath of the likes of natiko and shoots18. As what has been said long time ago, FFE believes in quality over quantity of members (although we will be happy to have both).
Lastly, I am proud to say that FFE has one of the most dedicated members around. In our own little ways we try to make FFE a place worth visiting for. FFE is not the union of the leader or of the officers alone. It is the union of each true member and we, therefore, are the ones creating it. Whether in physical appearance or in quality of contents, we strive to give the best our limited skills can make and give. It is up to you to judge if FFE is being left behind by its more talented counterparts.
Traffic. This one goes as a buddy of Activity. Regulars of FFE came from all over the world: America, Europe, Australia, and Asia (I still have to know if we have members from Africa and Antarctica :P ). The difference it time zones has an effect in the activity, but with this in mind, rest assured that whenever you’re at FFE, you’re just unlucky if
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