does this game get better i got this game a while back and haven't played for so long,when i was playing i found it really boring and hard to get used to, does this game get much better and is it worth trying to complete it.
I don't have it, but I got the official strategy guide. By the screenshots I've seen, I think it's worth playing at least once. You're one of the few guys around here who has the game so take the best out of it. :)
If you have friends for multiplayer game, it would be great if you have a GBA SP so you can connect it with your Gamecube as your controller where it will serve as your menu for accessing items, equipment, etc.
me and my girlfriend wanted to play it but i only have one gameboy and one lead and they dont let u use one normal control and one gameboy so its bloody annoying.
It's a very good game actually. And I did enjoyed it back when I had it. The final boss is cool-looking and the music of that battle is good. Just keep playing...ohh and yes, it gets better with multiplayer.
I find it very enjoyable to play as both single and multi. It takes ALOT of patience and repetitive item gathering (to get the good stuff anyway). I did spend alot of time in the same levels doing the same things over and over but I'm patient so I didn't mind. I have beaten it once with each of the four races. Making the best out of it came down to hooking up a GBA to slot 2 as you play single player so you can see what the bonus is for each level you do and get a nice map. I love the multiplyers options the best but friends are hard to come by thesedays (I have just moved all the way across the country and alot of my friends are back home). So I don't think you should give up on such a good GC game. The ending is worth it.
This is a game i've been hoping to play. I have the gbas and gamecube; i just need to get the game, gba link cables, and get everyone to play it at the same time. It's difficult now that i'm separted halfway across the country from my friends (UK). From what i've heard, the multiplayer is excellent, i really want to experience this... ^^
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