ok check this out the CEO's of the major console companies are already talking trash about eachothers next-gen systems go here to read the full article heres a few snips:
Robbie Bach: "The other two companies' presentations [at the E3] weren't surprising. Sony's [PS3's] capabilities are the same as ours. Nintendo is aiming for the niche market [with its Revolution]. The current generation Xbox sold more than the PlayStation 2 in North America last Christmas. We will become the market leader with our next-generation console.
Ken Kutaragi: "Microsoft is trailing behind us, but they are not a threat. They are good at improving [on products], but we will be advancing to the next level with revolutionary technology. Beating us for a short moment is like accidentally winning a point from a Shihan (Karate master), and Microsoft is still not a blackbelt. Just like with their Operating Systems, they might come out with something good around the third generation of their release
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