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#1 acematic
Member since 2007 • 25 Posts

Ok so ive been looking at a lot of forums and discussions and i noticed that everyone only talks about FF7 or 8, 10, 10-2 and 12 even 13 and even the gameboy ff's but no one talks about FF9!!! Its only like the best one ever made and square enix doesnt seem to be making any more final fantasy's in the future that will actually make me cry at the end! (yes i know what a sissy) My point is that maybe if people started talking more about FF9 then maybe, just maybe someone will take notice! And then maybe we might have another 'greatest game of all time' ont he way into our hands.

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#2 johngebreadman
Member since 2007 • 9960 Posts
the end of x made me cry and when aeris died so dont say that 9 is the only one capable of making emotions!
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#3 NWA_31
Member since 2006 • 11922 Posts
Final Fantasy IX wasn't as popular as the other FFs on Playstation. It's a great game, but I guess it was overshadowed by Final Fantasy X.
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#4 chaosmakerX
Member since 2006 • 4066 Posts

Final Fantasy IX wasn't as popular as the other FFs on Playstation. It's a great game, but I guess it was overshadowed by Final Fantasy X.NWA_31

Actually FFIX was over-shadowed by FFVIII, the impact of FFVIII was so strong and because of the fact that FFIX came out only a year after FFVIII made in slightly unoticible. I personally love it though, it felt like a classic FF game in 3D:D

Oh and it was also over shadowed by the PS2 too:P

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#5 desanvium
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I'm surprised this question didn't get more answers.

I think the problem with Nine stems from the fact that it was a cross-over point for a lot of old and new fans of the series. Those who were first introduced to FF through VII and on felt like the game was a noticeable step backwards in the evolution of the series, but those who grew up playing I-IV noticed that the game was exactly that: a throwback...a pseudo-sequel to I & II. The tone was also greatly modified from 8...almost to a kitchy feel...not to mention the almost chibi sized characters in 9, a very big change after the full sized characters of 8. Even the combat system was streamlined in a way similar to that of FF 4, where characters clearly filled roles defined by their character design.

If you watch the Gametrailers.com retrospective of the FF series, they state, outright, that people just didn't get understand how the design team got from FF8 to FF9. They also blame the failure of the game on gamer age and familiarity with the series, citing that those who didn't play the first three games (factoring in the US numbering issues) didn't recognize the design choices or the references to the previous games.

The odd thing about all of this is that it was Sakaguchi's intention all along. He is a fan of this style of FF and RPG game. It's what he created with the first one, and even though 7 is the critical darling of the series (and the most popular among the fans), he considers 9 to be his favorite of the series. And if you take a close look at Blue Dragon, you can see a lot of the elements of FF9 in that game as well (even though 9 is far superior to BD).

I can't say the 9 is my favorite in the series (I'm partial to 6,7, and 10), but I think 9 is a nice way to pay homage to what the FF world was originally built on...it was a way of looking at the first four games and saying "what would one of those games look like in 3d with FMV." And I think it succeeded in that regard. It's just a shame that people didn't give it a chance.


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#6 mitsuhideakechi
Member since 2007 • 2018 Posts
yes the last of x was sad but it was a good game
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#7 UntouchableHyer
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I like IX better than VIII, i thought it was awesome. Real good story and interesting characters. I'd even say it around as good as VII perhaps better in ways.
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#8 Ket87
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To me it just didn't have any elements that made me want to go back and play through it a second time. I have played through the others (minus 12 which i never had gotten around to beat yet) at least twice. 9 is in that limbo where if you started at 7 like I did you it didnt impact you the same way those who started with the originals did.
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#9 deactivated-5ff0d4f5c9395
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To be honest, I've never played the game. I have played every single one of the Final Fantasys but 9. I have nothing against it but I have never taken the time. I hear good things but the publicity for it was very little... I think that is what happend with most people. When they heard about it, it was a little to late because X was out.
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#10 fs_metal
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FS likes FFIX. He thinkls it is an amazing game and is the best fo the PSX FF games
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#11 DJ-Lafleur
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FFIX was a very good game, and I certainly liked it enough to play through it a 2nd time. The PS1 era of FF might be my favorite, either that or SNES, tough choice. >_>
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#12 fs_metal
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No contest the SNES era. I actually liked all the FF ames released during hte SNES era
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#13 UntouchableHyer
Member since 2006 • 512 Posts

No contest the SNES era. I actually liked all the FF ames released during hte SNES erafs_metal

Same with the exception of V, because while i like it(it very underappreciated)i tend to like VII and IX more.

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#14 fs_metal
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V was a fantastic game. I much prefer it to VII. Athleast the death in that game actually made me sad
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#15 book55
Member since 2007 • 57 Posts

I have played FFIX 9 times!!

I think it is enough.(my ps and ps2 can t play the third disc any more....)

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#16 ThreeVo
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ff9 lacks gamplay depth, while it makes up for it with loads of nostalga and an ok story. And like a previous post said.... its release wasclose to 8s and wa over shadowd on top of the ps2 on the horizon... it didnt have enough time to shine.,.... but regardless, those who know ff, gave that game more than enough time and play. Its probably one of the only few ff games that stand nutral with most fans (i still put 8 b4 it though)
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#17 DJ-Lafleur
Member since 2007 • 35604 Posts

No contest the SNES era. I actually liked all the FF ames released during hte SNES erafs_metal

I suppose it was better, now that I think about it. I'm a big fan of the classics...

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#18 DJ-Lafleur
Member since 2007 • 35604 Posts

V was a fantastic game. I much prefer it to VII. Athleast the death in that game actually made me sadfs_metal

Both made me a little sad, but it was sadder for Galuf, much closer to bringing me to tears...

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#19 fs_metal
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[QUOTE="fs_metal"]V was a fantastic game. I much prefer it to VII. Athleast the death in that game actually made me sadDJ-Lafleur

Both made me a little sad, but it was sadder for Galuf, much closer to bringing me to tears...

What about the one in FFVI

I tell you wat really made me sad though was the one in PSII. Such an underrated classic

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#20 acematic
Member since 2007 • 25 Posts
Finally someone who agrees with me! I have played it 12 times and counting! And every time when i havent played it for awhile i start to fell like playng it again! I dont think there has been another game to date that has actually made me feel like that.I think that personally the problem is that most people havent evenplayed it! And even if they have they should play it once more just to make sure that thier opinions are not being clouded by other releases or the fact that the ps2 cameout soon after.
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#21 acematic
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I didnt mean that i just meant that it really made a good finish to the game! Aeris didnt die at the end of the game thank goodness. Gosh now i feel like playing all the final fantasy's again!

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#22 mgirllovescats
Member since 2007 • 34 Posts
i liked FF9, was 1 of my favo games. The story was great & the characters rocked!!
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#23 KnightsofRound
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I've only ever gotten to the third disc in Final Fantasy IX. I rented it a long time ago and I got stuck in some place called Oeuilvert. I then had to return the game and I never ended up finishing it or buying it because I couldn't find it anywhere. I was a lot younger then though. I really liked the game though, but I do agree that a lot of people who started with FFVII or FFVIII were probably confused by the medieval setting of the game.

I just ordered FFIX and FFVIII (which I've never played before ever) off Ebay so I'm waiting for them to arrive and I can't wait to play IX again and actually finish it this time, and I also can't wait to play FFVIII because it has a lot of fans and I've never played it before ever.

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#24 aries8269
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I was thrilled when FFIX came out because it rekindled the fantasy aspect that made final fantasy. I absolutely loved the pre-FFVII games and being able to play that style again made me play IX over quite a few times. Now, that said...I do beleive that it was a bit strange to have final fantasy evolve into VII and VIII then go back to its roots in IX. FFVII in every right is by far the majority of players, favorite FF of the series. FFVIII became the highly misunderstood FF game that eventually grew on people (took me picking the game up a second time to enjoy it) and was amazed each time at the graphics. People have been put off by FFIX because it doesnt allow for the kind of character customization that they had become accustomed to with older class system and materia/junction system of FFVII and FFVIII respectfully. As for the latter, I attribute it to a portion of the fanbase that started their venture into the FF world with FFVII and FFVIII and then going back to play the earlier games.
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#25 ThreeVo
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eye... nostalga it deffintely has

my biggest issue with the game is that there wasent enough party flexability, leading to alot of characters becoming absolutly obsolete as compared to others, ive learend this first hand and there is no debating about it, ill explain real quick.

Vivi, Dagger, Amarant, and quina were absolutley , and utterly usless in the game at the end, period

Steiner could hit every enemy on screen at any range for non elemental 9999 dmg easy. Eiko has more useful spells in her arsenol than dagger did, eidolons cant be put in the mix because they too were completley absolete, unless u just wanted to watch a cool sumon animation. Amarants abilty were only usful overall when he was in trance (another attribute of 9 that was lousy) and quinas only 9999 hitting move was limit glove if she was at 1 hp, wich could easily be arranged with auto-life but still too much work for its worth. Vivis best spell has to be prepared to use, by equiping particular gear to absorb the damage, but when u have eiko topping evryone off every round, the heal is usless and the dark absorb gear just lessens ur other party members affectivness, so why bother when u have instant atks from freya, zidane and stiener that hit one or all enimies at any range for max damage? unless ur a true role player than this most likley crossed ur mind as well as it did mine when i played it.

This is another reason 7 and 8 were better imo, they allowed u to chose ur favorite characters (most likely based on there unique limits and visual features) and completley costomize there abilities and allow u to make them fill the role u desire without forcing u to play a particular chracter, it allowed u to be more original with ur party setup, And its true that these types of free base systems (wich most ffs are revolved around) often result in every character being almost exactly the same, but by the time u achieve that, your usually taking on the strongest optional boss and are most likley done with it...

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#26 acematic
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Firstly i think that there was plenty of party flexibility! I cant even begin to count the number of times that you were able to choose your party members throughout the game! SecondlyI agree amarant was absolutely useless and thatgarnet didnt have the best magic but even if eiko had the better magic, isnt it our choice whetherwe want to play the through game with morechallenging battles rather than just breeze though the game without any memorable moments of heated battle! That isflexibility to me! At least in FF9 every character was an individual with different attributes, pros and cons! Not like 7 or 8 where, really at the end of the day, you ended up with everyone doing exactly the same thing! Dont get me wrong i think 7 and 8 were awesome but they bothended up with everyone exactly the same.i mean lets not even go into the graphics! Phwoaarr!
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#27 darkcloud6
Member since 2007 • 4685 Posts

i love FFIX.:Di deffinetly think its better then FFVIII although not as good as FFX. the story was excellent and after FFVIII i was relieved to see they went back to the normal way of doing thingslike weapon upgrades and the use of magic (there was a lot i didn'tlike about FFVIII.:(

anyway FFIX has been one of my favourite FF's.

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#28 darkcloud6
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i totally agree with acematic. i liked that in FFIX everyone had their own thing. as far as im concerned the worstFF for individual character leveling has been FFXII. in FFXII everyone was pretty much exactly the same, and anyone could use any weapon, this is the one thing i didn't like about FFXII. at least in FFVIII everyone had different weapons and limit breaks (there was actually a decent reason to carefully pick your party).
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#29 ThreeVo
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Firstly i think that there was plenty of party flexibility! I cant even begin to count the number of times that you were able to choose your party members throughout the game! SecondlyI agree amarant was absolutely useless and thatgarnet didnt have the best magic but even if eiko had the better magic, isnt it our choice whetherwe want to play the through game with morechallenging battles rather than just breeze though the game without any memorable moments of heated battle! That isflexibility to me! At least in FF9 every character was an individual with different attributes, pros and cons! Not like 7 or 8 where, really at the end of the day, you ended up with everyone doing exactly the same thing! Dont get me wrong i think 7 and 8 were awesome but they bothended up with everyone exactly the same.i mean lets not even go into the graphics! Phwoaarr!acematic
What youve just explained is comon for the average ff gamer who simply likes to enjoy the game and put it back on there shelf when there finished with the storyline..... if u understood what i said, then u would know that i implied people who like to role play, and choose there party by character interest rather than performance.

Then there are those other indeviduals, like my self who find no greater joy of entertaiment then becoming godlike with there file and taking on the ultimate chalanges of the game ( Final Fantasy cant compare to Tri- Ace titels in this catagory but still). U talk about this as ifit hinders the ff experience and memorable moments? lol that feeling is reached no matter who u are, once uclear the game, u almost always say to your self "ahh, that was a good time and a greatgame"not being efficient at a game and making ur enimies stronger than u is not a good thing.. good things are going crazy with developing ur personal party and taking onthe post game challanges, and still being difficult to beat, and that when u do u get this certain satisfied feeling, these are players who love to grind and beef there party up so much to take on what thegame realy has to offer.

FF9 is for the casual ff gamer. Great soundtrack,Pretty fitting story, Fun/classic gameplay. It didnt have any real post game chalange besides Ozma. wich was an embarasment to any post game superboss in ff history

PS. Party costomization does not mean being able to switch out party members for others at will. and this is not a bias response, if i could, i would link a pic of my ff9 file wiich i still have that is years old, with 120 hrs and everything obtained (except for excalibur II, another lame game goal)

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#30 ThreeVo
Member since 2007 • 595 Posts
i totally agree with acematic. i liked that in FFIX everyone had their own thing. as far as im concerned the worstFF for individual character leveling has been FFXII. in FFXII everyone was pretty much exactly the same, and anyone could use any weapon, this is the one thing i didn't like about FFXII. at least in FFVIII everyone had different weapons and limit breaks (there was actually a decent reason to carefully pick your party).darkcloud6
Actually in ff8, if you REALLY went all out, by fact of numbers and a pinch of luck, Irvine out did every as far as limit break damage for teh exception of sqauls Lionheart not including renzokuken. :)
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#31 acematic
Member since 2007 • 25 Posts

Eesh relax man! I didnt mean any offense! Besides you base your points in your argument on your affinity tobecoming god in any role playing game! Well let me tell you that if youcantrelax and enjoy the game then what is the point ofplaying? Isnt the point of final fantasy supposed to be that youcan immerse yourself in a fantasy world andbe a part of the game(so to speak) ?

And by the way no ff of mine has ever just sat on the shelf! I look after them as if they were my onchildren! :)

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#32 ThreeVo
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Eesh relax man! I didnt mean any offense! Besides you base your points in your argument on your affinity tobecoming god in any role playing game! Well let me tell you that if youcantrelax and enjoy the game then what is the point ofplaying? Isnt the point of final fantasy supposed to be that youcan immerse yourself in a fantasy world andbe a part of the game(so to speak) ?

And by the way no ff of mine has ever just sat on the shelf! I look after them as if they were my onchildren! :)


Why cant it be both... i never said i didnt enjoy it, i still get the deeply emersed feeling that anyone else gets, there is never a time that i dont have fun with any final fantasy game (except ffx-2)

and besides im not the only one. There are plenty of perfectionistasin this union im sure. My argument is only this. By all means, im not trying to bring down anyone, somtimes its good to just play a game, without feeling the obligation to collect everythingand clear all teh games chalanges. Playing it from start to finish just clearing the story line part, thats fine, by all means go for it. But ff9 just doesnt have a lot of content depthas compared to most other games, also,its the only game to singling rule out half theplayable chracters due to alesser indepth combat system,7 did a great job with the materia, 8 did a great job with the junctioning and gfs (i think), 10s sphere grid was great ( filling every empty node with stat spheres to max out everybodys stats at 255 was FUN.... 320 hours spent), 12 and the license board was great and getting to level 99 was a devent task on top of maxing out the license board for every character, the classics were all good to, but they were classics none the less, wich ff9 was based off of.

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#33 acematic
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I understand where you are coming from! But you have to admit its quite a feat for a game to actually make you WANT to do everylast thing in the game! Like you i comepletely did everything in all of them! However in 8 i just did it cos im curious as hell! Its not like it actually made me disire to do it all! I 100% agree with fx-2!! What was up with that! I think square lost the plot with that one! But thats a whole new topic! Anyway i think that we all need a future ff9 alike game that recaptures my heart like 9 did. And maybe this time they will iron out the kinks so that no one can put it down! One more thing! Dont you think that ff nowadays is losing its sense of fantasy setting? I mean im sure 13 is gonna be great and i will enjoy it i just fear that it might all start ending up too similar to phantasy star universe or star ocean! Great games but no where near as good!
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#34 darkcloud6
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i just want to say that i can't play through a FF game without doing everything there is to do. haveing said that, why does everyone hate FFX-2? if you finished it 100% i thought it turned out to be a really good sequal. sure, it was totally different to any other FF because of the missions, butthe story and the ending was good, the battle systemand the dress sphere system was awesome.

as for ff losing its sense of fantasy. the last ff that was actually fantasy was FFIX. FF7,8,10,12 have all been more sci-fi than fantasy.

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#35 DJ-Lafleur
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i just want to say that i can't play through a FF game without doing everything there is to do. haveing said that, why does everyone hate FFX-2? if you finished it 100% i thought it turned out to be a really good sequal. sure, it was totally different to any other FF because of the missions, butthe story and the ending was good, the battle systemand the dress sphere system was awesome.

as for ff losing its sense of fantasy. the last ff that was actually fantasy was FFIX. FF7,8,10,12 have all been more sci-fi than fantasy.


So X-2 was good after playing through it 20 times and doinginfuriating mini-games just to see a different ending? Doesn't seem worth it to me. :|

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#36 darkcloud6
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1st of all, you could finish it 100% on the first playthrough. and 2nd all the minigames weren't that bad, and most of them added extra (fairly important) stuff to the development of the story (which madethem more enjoyable). besides, i think finishing it 100% was worth it to see the extra part of the ending. i do agree, however, that without doing the optional stuff and finishing it 100%, the game totally sucked.
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#37 DJ-Lafleur
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1st of all, you could finish it 100% on the first playthrough. and 2nd all the minigames weren't that bad, and most of them added extra (fairly important) stuff to the development of the story (which madethem more enjoyable). besides, i think finishing it 100% was worth it to see the extra part of the ending. i do agree, however, that without doing the optional stuff and finishing it 100%, the game totally sucked.darkcloud6

yeah, well, I wasn't a big fan of the optional stuff, and it is highly unlikely anyone would get 100% on their first playthrough, considering you have to do every single little thing. And if I wanted to see the ending so badly, I could use Youtube and do the same exact thing, just without the hours and hours of work you'd do in X-2.

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#38 ThreeVo
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i just want to say that i can't play through a FF game without doing everything there is to do. haveing said that, why does everyone hate FFX-2? if you finished it 100% i thought it turned out to be a really good sequal. sure, it was totally different to any other FF because of the missions, butthe story and the ending was good, the battle systemand the dress sphere system was awesome.

as for ff losing its sense of fantasy. the last ff that was actually fantasy was FFIX. FF7,8,10,12 have all been more sci-fi than fantasy.


Here, ill repost this from a previous thread that i wrote. And just to let u know...... i have 110 hrs on my ff x-2 file, im not talking out of my#$% here XD

Ok.... Top 10 reasons why ff x-2 was bad. in no particular order........

1)it had an awfull storyline, and was unplanned while ffx was in the works. The game stoleall the emotion from ffxs ending...

2) The game is just as long as any other normal ff title only because of tedious story completion

3) For those who played ffx prior (wich should down right be everyone who has ever played x-2)it almost felt like an obligation to get the "complete* ending to provide closure to the whole experience, only to thow in a subpar sumarization of the games that was most unipresive.

4) Getting 100% to see this ending FORCED u to partake in the most annoying, unentertaining sidequests the game had, and became very agonizing. Also, u could NOT skip any of the diologue and if u did by accident, relizing this apon gettin to the end and seeing that u didnt have 100%, there was no way to know what part u skiped, forcing u to replay the game all over again and not skip anything to be on the safe side (not that it was worth it)

5) the mathmatic sphere game sucked

6) Yuna was completey transformed in an unlogical way that did not make any sense whatsoever (how do u go from timid calm sorceress from a small island village to jpop queen who cand dance like crazy and dual wield pistols, its an offensive joke for anyone who cherished ffx)

7) terrible cast of antagonists

auron wasnet in it (duh)

9) Rikku was : /

10) The sound track was horrible

You tube the complete ending to save yourslef the time and trouble, or even better, sever your ffx knowledge by simply not even playing ff x-2 becauseyoul get a better feeling of closure by not even knowing x-2 existed.

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#39 darkcloud6
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alright, i'll admit that a lot of the stuff you just said makes sense, but if you were trying to insinuate that i'm not a real ffX fan, you're dead wrong. i like this game as much as anyone could like, its my favourite game of all time, and yuna is my favourite character in it. thats probably why i liked FFX-2, becauseit wasn't the end.

everyone has different opinions, i can deffinetly see where your coming from, buti liked most of the sidequests and although the story wasn't as good as other FF's i still think it was pretty good.

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#40 ThreeVo
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Of course not, to be honest ff x is one of my favs as well, i just personaly felt a little offended with ff x-2, it really mutated everything that was pure and attractive in x, i just dont think ff x needed a sequal, and ff x-2 only hurt it

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#41 -Phaz-
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I like IX better than VIII, i thought it was awesome. Real good story and interesting characters. I'd even say it around as good as VII perhaps better in ways.UntouchableHyer

same except i prefer it to VII, Vivi is my all time favourite character.

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#42 southy787
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I've never played FF: IX :(

Lots of people told me it's good and for many it is their favourite one in the series. I will eventually get round to playing it, my friend said that I could borrow his copy. I guess I'll be able to see whether it lives up to my expectations.

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#43 Shekb
Member since 2005 • 13506 Posts
I guess Dis is one of those people that say it's their favorite, that is, if his opinion didn't change from last time

Besides, it is MY favorite of all time :P
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#44 southy787
Member since 2005 • 14571 Posts

I guess Dis is one of those people that say it's their favorite, that is, if his opinion didn't change from last time

Besides, it is MY favorite of all time :P

Yeah, it is indeed his favourite. I guess I can add you to the list now then :P

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#45 -Pro-Link-
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the end of x made me cry and when aeris died so dont say that 9 is the only one capable of making emotions!johngebreadman

haha, it didn't make me cry, but I could feel the emotions. And poor Aeris (Aerith). :(

And its not that people don't care about FFIX, but personally I thought the story was very flawed. As are all of the Final Fantasy's, but this one especially.

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#46 Shekb
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Why this one expecially ?

You mean that it's not the best ever right ?
Right :cry:
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#47 -Pro-Link-
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Personally, I felt that way, yes.

And especially because, first off the learn ability through items system really didn't work here. I was hoping for a system similiar to VII's or VIII's. But quite frankly I didn't get that. And not to mention it was hard to take the game seriously, the only serious person was Vivi (Not to mention the coolest). I'll give the game that it was funny, but it wasn't what I was hoping for. Maybe if they introduced an even more complex story, maybe something you had to think about, it would be better.

Not to mention Zidane wasn't a spikey haired dude, with a big sword. :P

And I didn't say the game was bad, it wasn't modern though. They returned it to the older style, which there is nothing wrong with that. But I got my hopes up for something extraordinary and they gave me that.:?

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#48 nowhy
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it was my fave...still is.
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#49 DJ-Lafleur
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FFIX would be my fourth favorite FF game. It was a very good game, I thought.
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#50 Pamo_Wright
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And I didn't say the game was bad, it wasn't modern though. They returned it to the older style, which there is nothing wrong with that. But I got my hopes up for something extraordinary and they gave me that.:?

I hate it when people give this reason, really gets to me.