With so many spin offs from FFVII, I really don't want to see another FFVII-related game. I'm only looking forward to Dirge of Cerberus and the FVII remake-- which they keep saying is not gonna happen but we'll see.
That would be a good idea but it wouldn't be able to be a turn based game because of all the fast paced action in the movie........Chirag6
Well, I have my preorder in for the English version of Dirge of Cerberus and Advent Children(I own both imports as well). And we all have, or should have seen Last Order since it's on YouTube and Google Video. On Your Way to a Smile wasn't to significant, and it seem to be a project that Square Enix gave up on. At least it was kind of interesting to see how Denzel's life was before Meteor. I have my PSP, so I am just waiting for Crisis Core. Zack wasn't really my favorite character, but I always wanted to know more about him. But I think the biggest problem for all of us is Before Crisis. I know i-Mode used for business in the US, but it's not available to the public in the Americas. But i-Mode has several million subscribers in Europe and Japan which Before Crisis is available through. I know the game is going to have a subscription, but what service is going to support it, not to mention which camera phones are going to allow Before Crisis.
I know DoC is probably going to have a sequel to it, because the hidden video(like in KH). If there is going to be another FFVII spin off, have it centered around something the player is familiar with. I'd personally like to see the war between Wutai and ShinRa; the perfect main character would be Sephiroth because that event is how he became know as a hero amongst the public and SOLDIER. And of course I wouldn't mind a FFVII remake. :D
Haha; this will end up like Star Wars. About six films are surrounded by graphic comics, novels, videogames, etc. And all the content has too follow a set of guildlines. So let's say an author or a developer wants to add to the universe of Star Wars, they must realize what has been done before, and can not contridict past material or the films. The universe has grown so large that you can actually find the name of a specific weapon, what company developed it, what material it's made of, how it works, where the company originated from, etc, etc.
I don't wish that on Final Fantasy VII, even though it has worked for George Lucas's films. But if this continues, Square Enix is going to have us in space with the Cetra traveling from planet to planet searching for the Promise Land. lol
Haha; this will end up like Star Wars. About six films are surrounded by graphic comics, novels, videogames, etc. And all the content has too follow a set of guildlines. So let's say an author or a developer wants to add to the universe of Star Wars, they must realize what has been done before, and can not contridict past material or the films. The universe has grown so large that you can actually find the name of a specific weapon, what company developed it, what material it's made of, how it works, where the company originated from, etc, etc.
I don't wish that on Final Fantasy VII, even though it has worked for George Lucas's films. But if this continues, Square Enix is going to have us in space with the Cetra traveling from planet to planet searching for the Promise Land. lol
Indeed all the Cetra are dead(supposedly). I'm talking about a prequel going back thousands of years ago, haha. The only prequel I would like to see as I said before is one taking place during Wutai conflict with Sephiroth as the main character.
I was just trying to make fun of how FFVII could end up like a expanded universe similar to Star Wars. In SW's universe the Battle of Yavin(A New Hope) was pretty important. So when refering to a specific time in SW(by traditional years) we uses BBY(before the Battle of Yavin), and ABY{after the Battle of Yavin); similar to AD and BC. For instance, the Clone Wars took place 22 to 19 BBY. The events in Knights of the Old Republic takes place 4,000 BBY. Or Jacen and Jaina Solo were born 9 ABY.
Since Final Fantasy VII is the center for the Compilation; what event is the center of all this? The Meteor Crisis; but to the public it was know as the Jenova war(refered to many in Dirge of Cerberus and On the Way to a Smile). We could say, Jenova landed on Gaia 2,000 BJW or the World Restoration Organization was found 1 AJW by Reeve. LMAO.
Wouldn't it be cool if after the FF: AC movie is released if they made a game of it? They could call it Final Fantasy VII-2. You know for Party 2? I think that would be cool. Except the game would be short since the movie isn't exactly 20 hrs. But they could add a bunch of story to the game or something. -Pro-Link-
Just if they mad it a game from the beginning.
[QUOTE="-Pro-Link-"]Wouldn't it be cool if after the FF: AC movie is released if they made a game of it? They could call it Final Fantasy VII-2. You know for Party 2? I think that would be cool. Except the game would be short since the movie isn't exactly 20 hrs. But they could add a bunch of story to the game or something. SQUALL20XX
Just if they mad it a game from the beginning.
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