Gamecube abandoned?

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#1 N2TheFlames
Member since 2005 • 25 Posts

Of course not, but it sure seems that way doesn't it? Rarely anything new going on for Gamecube. I fugured the new Legend of Zelda game would have triggered more new titles or at the least, some new sequels. What do you think would liven up the Gamecube market? Here are my thoughts, please share yours :)

First of all, I think Nintendo would do well to try and get some re-releases done with some old classics from the NES. That would, at least, pull in some older fans of the NES. Would love to see some games updated like Metroid was (Metroid Prime is one of the best games GC has to offer.... my personal opinion mind you). I think it's awesome to see an old game remade into an updated version. The new Zelda and the two Metroid Prime releases have been a big hit, I'm sure the same could happen with a lot of other classics.

Second, Gamecube desperately needs a new big-name RPG game that would pretty much replace Final Fantasy (since that game has spread into all platforms and systems by now). The early Final Fantasy series were, by far, my favorite games to date. Especially FF2 from the SNES. But, since they've already redone most of the classic Squaresoft games, I say it's time to move on, start a new series. Something exclusively on Gamecube, maybe adding network capabilities.

Third, how about some adapters that allow you to play your older NES, SNES, and even Gameboy cartridges on the new system? One of the things Playstation has going for them with each new system they release is that all of their games from previous systems will play on the newer systems. This is a big 'plus' in my decision to purchase a new system.

Final thoughts... it's pretty obvious, from my post here, that I'm an older gamer. Many of you that might read this are more than likely much younger than I am, and probably won't quite agree with everything. But I think, even the younger gamers will appreciate some of these ideas. I'm not a Nintendo "fanboy" (as I've seen them called), I own every system all the back to the Atari 2600. But I appreciate the fact that Nintendo pretty much started the market booming with it's first system. I admit I didn't purchase the new WII system, I haven't seen anything about it that interests me (the new controller isn't all that exciting to me, personally). Perhaps I would feel differently about it if I gave it a try. Gamecube is a great system though, and it would be nice to see more done for it.

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#2 jeff16950_demon
Member since 2003 • 1240 Posts

the gamecube doesnt need any new games, its you that needs a new console
think about what you just said, and look at reality. They dont make ps1 games anymore, do they?
so my advise is to suck it up and shell out 250 bucks for a wii that is capable of playing gamecube games as well....seriously, the gamecubes been dead for a while man

Oh, and by the way, everything you just stated can be done on the wii. EVEN playing OLDER GAMES LIKE NES SNES AND SEGA AND N64

Of course, seeing as you dont 'want' a wii (jus go try one out man, its not that hard:P) the only other way you can get what you want is through importing and illegal things and 'upgrades' for your gamecube. All in all, it would cost more, and just be irrational. Plus, there is a way to get gamecube online, but its dead now.

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#3 Hoogomoogo
Member since 2007 • 1790 Posts

Of course not, but it sure seems that way doesn't it? Rarely anything new going on for Gamecube. I fugured the new Legend of Zelda game would have triggered more new titles or at the least, some new sequels. What do you think would liven up the Gamecube market? Here are my thoughts, please share yours :)

First of all, I think Nintendo would do well to try and get some re-releases done with some old classics from the NES. That would, at least, pull in some older fans of the NES. Would love to see some games updated like Metroid was (Metroid Prime is one of the best games GC has to offer.... my personal opinion mind you). I think it's awesome to see an old game remade into an updated version. The new Zelda and the two Metroid Prime releases have been a big hit, I'm sure the same could happen with a lot of other classics.

Second, Gamecube desperately needs a new big-name RPG game that would pretty much replace Final Fantasy (since that game has spread into all platforms and systems by now). The early Final Fantasy series were, by far, my favorite games to date. Especially FF2 from the SNES. But, since they've already redone most of the classic Squaresoft games, I say it's time to move on, start a new series. Something exclusively on Gamecube, maybe adding network capabilities.

Third, how about some adapters that allow you to play your older NES, SNES, and even Gameboy cartridges on the new system? One of the things Playstation has going for them with each new system they release is that all of their games from previous systems will play on the newer systems. This is a big 'plus' in my decision to purchase a new system.

Final thoughts... it's pretty obvious, from my post here, that I'm an older gamer. Many of you that might read this are more than likely much younger than I am, and probably won't quite agree with everything. But I think, even the younger gamers will appreciate some of these ideas. I'm not a Nintendo "fanboy" (as I've seen them called), I own every system all the back to the Atari 2600. But I appreciate the fact that Nintendo pretty much started the market booming with it's first system. I admit I didn't purchase the new WII system, I haven't seen anything about it that interests me (the new controller isn't all that exciting to me, personally). Perhaps I would feel differently about it if I gave it a try. Gamecube is a great system though, and it would be nice to see more done for it.

Ever heard of Paper Mario:thousand year door?
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#4 skulleton1
Member since 2007 • 632 Posts
It's already been established no more gamecube games are going to be releaesed, read the news...
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#5 FFTA_Marche
Member since 2005 • 25 Posts

The Gamecube, for all intents and purposes, is dead.


Stop whining and go buy a Wii. 

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#6 Agreb91
Member since 2005 • 7169 Posts
Nintendo has left the GameCube and is putting all its resources to the Wii.
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#7 0bl1v10n_X
Member since 2007 • 54 Posts
Nintendo has left the GameCube and is putting all its resources to the Wii. Agreb91
thats the way it appears, and Most systems have a life expectancy of about one year after a new system is released.
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#8 alkaline_DnB
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just let the gamecube die in peace, and appreciate all it has done for us.
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#9 Litchie
Member since 2003 • 36212 Posts
the gamecube doesnt need any new games, its you that needs a new consolejeff16950_demon

I agree. Consoles die. The GC has. Deal with it.
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#10 smb333
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really nintendo have left the gamecube to rott in the dirt
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#11 kidfrmvotek
Member since 2007 • 28 Posts

Yea its pretty much dead.
i just play games like RE4.
Also if you didnt buy a lot of games you can finally buy the ones you want, killer 7 was 7 bucks at my local gamestop.(thats the truth)


Wow seeing all these biased posts targeting one person just because he either likes the Cube or just dosent want to upgrade yet is pitiful. Are they fanboys or juss plain a'holes?


P.S:stop getting your mommies and daddies to pay for your consoles. Work for a change, its nice. 

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#12 Funkyhamster
Member since 2005 • 17366 Posts
Yeah, it is abandoned... but it won't get any more high-quality releases, since the console's commercial lifespan is pretty much over. That doesn't mean its existing games are outdated, though...
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#13 soulsdeparting
Member since 2006 • 1537 Posts

im sorry you dont see promise in the wiimote. i find so much possibility in this, and i hope that the evelopers use it well. hopefully some titles come out that interest you, or hopefully you experience the controller well enough to like it. if not, oh well

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#14 N2TheFlames
Member since 2005 • 25 Posts
Perhaps GC is dead... guess I missed the big headlines that stated such. Of course, most of my attention was lulled towards PS3 news and updates so it's not surprising if I missed this announcement that Nintendo abandoned GC. Someone posted for me to "stop whining and buy a wii". Man, I was FAR from whining, I posted something I was thinking about, nothing more, nothing less. As for the rest of you, perhaps I should go try the wii and thanks for your input :)
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#15 Ultra-Alue
Member since 2006 • 1111 Posts

It's already been established no more gamecube games are going to be releaesed, use common sense.skulleton1


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#16 RoyalsBlue13
Member since 2005 • 44 Posts
You speak clearly and concisely, I must compliment you on that, but I don't know that you're quite centered in your thinking on the matter. You say you haven't read the announcement that the GameCube is "dead"? Although there hardly needs to be an official press release for a console to die, there actually was one. Some executive for Nintendo said pretty bluntly that no more GameCubes were going to be manufactured, and that Nintendo was just interested in selling off their existing stock. But nevermind that; your thinking doesn't sound very realistic to begin with. Sounds like you're talking about a MMORPG.. for the GameCube, the only system made in the last six years or so that's so completely incapable of supporting that kind of game. You're very optimistic and a swell 'idea man', but I just don't see it as even marginally realistic.
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#17 LordelX
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First of all, I think Nintendo would do well to try and get some re-releases done with some old classics from the NES. That would, at least, pull in some older fans of the NES. Would love to see some games updated like Metroid was (Metroid Prime is one of the best games GC has to offer.... my personal opinion mind you). I think it's awesome to see an old game remade into an updated version. The new Zelda and the two Metroid Prime releases have been a big hit, I'm sure the same could happen with a lot of other classics. If you have a Gameboy Player for your Gamecube, you can play Metriod: Zero Mission, which was an excellent remake of the original Metriod and includes the original game. If you're looking for other NES games, Legend of Zelda collector's edition and Megaman Anniversary Collection are a good play to start. Of course, if you have a Gameboy Player, you can play all kinds of "Classic NES series" GBA releases.

Second, Gamecube desperately needs a new big-name RPG game that would pretty much replace Final Fantasy (since that game has spread into all platforms and systems by now). The early Final Fantasy series were, by far, my favorite games to date. Especially FF2 from the SNES. But, since they've already redone most of the classic Squaresoft games, I say it's time to move on, start a new series. Something exclusively on Gamecube, maybe adding network capabilities. Unfortunately, it is too late for the Gamecube to start up an exclusive RPG series since the market has shifted to the Wii, but if you're interested in some good RPG's you can't play anywhere else, give Skies of Arcadia, Tales of Symphonia and Baten Kaitos a try. Read Gamespot's reviews to see if any of them are right for you. Most 'Cubers agree that these are quality experiences.

Third, how about some adapters that allow you to play your older NES, SNES, and even Gameboy cartridges on the new system? One of the things Playstation has going for them with each new system they release is that all of their games from previous systems will play on the newer systems. This is a big 'plus' in my decision to purchase a new system. If you're seriously interested in playing games from older systems, my first suggestion would be to upgrade to a Nintendo Wii. Downloading old games onto the Wii through the virtual console is by far the easiest way to play these older games. If you are determined to do this with the Gamecube, a Gameboy Player is a must have. In the GBA library, there were many NES, SNES and Genesis remakes and remakes and rereleases. The Gameboy player not only plays GBA carts, but black and white Gameboy carts and Gameboy Color carts as well. There are also third party devices that allow you to play NES ROMS through the Gameboy player, making the entire NES library available, but keep in mind the graphical quality takes a big hit being sqashed into the GBA's screen dimensions. Purchasing a Wii is recommended for a quality experience.


To the rest of you, (not the original poster) you should be ashamed of yourselves. Obviously, this guy is too busy to follow every nuance of the video game industry. It's quite easy to miss an announcement regarding the death of the Gamecube when you only use Gamespot once in a while. This guy's been a member for 2 years and has made 11 forum posts. You guys should be the one's using their heads. If you guys have nothing helpful or friendly to say, don't post. Go play some video games or something.

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#18 sumo1973
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The Gamecube has been largely left behind since the Wii came out last year. Nintendo's last offering for the cube was in December and that was 'Zelda Twilight Princess' which if you haven't got I would recommend you having a look at. The game came out a week after the Wii version was released giving a clear indication of where Nntendo's stance is now. If you look at the PS2 it still has games coming out and the support is there but sometimes it feels as if everyone jumped ship a few months ago. To be honest however, Nintendo knew that Gamecube support was in decline last year so rather than release any future cube projects they focused on the Wii.

However, some Gamecube users have not moved over to the Wii just yet. Finding one is still quite difficult here (UK). There are still a handful of games to come out for the cube in 2007 but none of them will be very high profile. You might want to look at the back catalogue of cube games and see if anything interests you. I've got a collection of cube games easily over 130 games and there are still a few games that I want to get. I've bought a lot of games online from places like amazon and ebay so if you can't find games from video game retailers go there instead.

I'm an olderish gamer as well. I started off with a Commodore 16 way back at the end of 1985 and got a Gamecube at the end of 2003. I bought gaming magazines and looked at several gaming websites, including this one to find out what was happening with the cube.

If you liked Metroid Prime 1 & 2 you might want to think about looking into Metroid Zero Mission and Metroid Fusion on the GBA. Zero Mission is a reworking of the original game which can also be unlocked once you complete the game. Someone has already mentioned this but a GBA Player will allow you to play GBA games on your TV via your cube.

There's not much new stuff coming out but since people still play on the cube, interest in Gamecube games has increased since the Wii came out and the fact that this forum still exists the cube's not dead......yet.

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#19 Eclipse83Lives
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Well the ps2 is still going strong. So yea old systems can still go for a little while yet. But the cube had a great few years at its start. But if you realy think about it. If it was not for RE4, the cube has been dead for a long time. But it had a great first year or so. But than again I never saw a systems first year ever mean anything.
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#20 feryl06
Member since 2006 • 4955 Posts
with the GC placing third on the over console list (PS2, Xbox, GC), I think it was safe to say---RIP GC. It was fun while it lasted. NOW ON TO THE WII!!! :) It wouldn't make sense for first or third party developers to make a game for the GC when the Wii is the fasted growing console out there, along with the DS. It's better this way (sniff, sniff).
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#21 Sprigain
Member since 2006 • 3575 Posts

[QUOTE="jeff16950_demon"]the gamecube doesnt need any new games, its you that needs a new consoleLitchie

I agree. Consoles die. The GC has. Deal with it.

agreed im sick of threads about this

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#22 Nintendogamer33
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Obviously, most of you haven't heard/read the real news. 

The GameCube has not been abandoned. Nintendo is still producing the console as well as the games they released for it, so even Nintendo hasn't abandoned it. 

In addition, third-party companies are still releasing games for it. GameCube is still getting Radio Allergy, Surf's Up, Madden NFL 08, Ratatouille, Fantastic 4: Rise of the Silver Surfer, and Backyard Baseball 2007. There's also a possibility that D3 will bring the last 2 Naruto: Clash of Ninja games to GameCube, since not only have they not said no to that but the first 2 games were a success.

So the GameCube has not been abandoned and no matter what anyone says, it's not officially dead yet even though it seems like most of you want it to be.

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#24 destinhpark
Member since 2006 • 4831 Posts
Yes, it's becoming abandoned. Slowly but surely.
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#25 wiiwillstand
Member since 2007 • 2781 Posts
Gamecube is dying. But for it's run over the years, I'd say it didn't do too bad. With all of the great games it had, I'm sure it won't be abandoned. The games will stop being made, but the gamers will always play them, to whatever end.
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#26 Nintendogamer33
Member since 2004 • 1285 Posts
It hasn't been abandoned yet.
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#27 pierst179
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We all know that Nintendo doesn't launches anything to a system after the next one is released, I'm already used to it.
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#28 gamecubeown
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i aggre
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#29 Nintendogamer33
Member since 2004 • 1285 Posts
The fact that the GC is still in production alone means it hasn't been abandoned.
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#30 kayne2000
Member since 2004 • 5583 Posts

its for all intents and purposes dead

get a wii move on

though the wii plays GC so you dont have to "move on"

either way the GC has been suffering its death since the wii at E3 last year

and by fall this year will probably be its final fairwell since it appears to still be getting a few games. though it could have games made for it for the next 5 or 6 years since the wii plays them all so its possible but not likely most by the end of 2007 will end GC productions. but i doubt it will have any more big hits

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#31 Anata
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If you are still able to find the system and games in store rather easily then I doubt that anyone can declare a system dead, be it the Gamecube or any other system. It also depends a lot on how long you've supported the system yourself. If you got the Gamecube back in it's early lifespan and can not think of any more games that you wish to play or purchase then yes to you it is likely dead. Yet, for someone like myself that recently bought it and are no where near finishing games like Twilight Princess and Paper Mario then it is a good while before I'd consider it dead.
Even if Paper Mario and Twilight Princess were the only games I'd ever play on my Gamecube I wouldn't care. Because so far I've had a lot of fun and to me my purchase of the Gamecube is completely justified.
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#32 N2TheFlames
Member since 2005 • 25 Posts

[QUOTE="Litchie"][QUOTE="jeff16950_demon"]the gamecube doesnt need any new games, its you that needs a new consoleSprigain

I agree. Consoles die. The GC has. Deal with it.

agreed im sick of threads about this

Level 1 and you're sick of threads like this? Jeez, how many threads have you read in a short time? First of all, to say you're "sick of threads like this" is completely ridiculous. It's a forum, people write thier opinions and thoughts here. You don't like an opinion, you move on.

After reading through all the replies here, it's pretty obvious that there are a lot of different opinions on the subject. And finally, if the Gamecube is dead as such.... how is it that so many of you found this post? I mean, not meaning to offend or anything, but if its as dead as some of you say, it would seem to me you wouldn't care what was posted in the Gamecube forums. Just a thought....