Ok. I am at the Gerudo Dessert and i found a part to a bridge i believe it is supposed to fix the broken bridge where the Goron is sittin at who uses the bridge to walk and fetch his Hot Spring Water.(He's located at an exit out of the Castle TOWN i think its the south exit not to sure)When i found the bridge one of my walkthroughs said warp it back to eldin Province and i did but Midna Keeps saying its the wrong place and i was enjoying making her angry. I have 3 warp spots on the Eldin province. Thats Karakiko Village, Karakiko Gorge, AndDeath Mountain. So is my walkthrough wrong and im warping to the wrong province or did i miss a warp spot that should be in the Eldin Province like the other three if im missing a warp spot where is it and how do i get there and if im warping to the wrong spot where should i warp it too? Please help.
that bridge is suposed to fit where the bridge of eldin colapsed. i dont even know wat the warp spot is called, but u should know where that is. the goron builds a bridge when u do something. im not gonna spoil it for u, but dont try to warp it to him.
All right the piece of bridge belongs to the eldin bridge as been told to repair the bridge where the goron sit you have to donate about 1000 rupees in the malo mart at kakariko
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