I guess I am nearly all the way to being "too old". I do miss stories, I do hate MP and still play games for "fun" whatever the hell that is these days (**** you Destiny).
But I don't think games can be too long as long as the game is fun. Can't wait for Witcher 3 for example and will most definitely love playing all 100 odd hours of that beast.
I also think there are plenty of original games. You can't just look at COD, or Assassin's Creed with their stupid yearly releases and say gaming is not original. Borderlands is fantastic, Bioshock Infinite is so good in so many ways. Dark Souls was sublime. As was Rogue Legacy and Meat Boy and Super Hexagon, not all Indies suck (even if MOST do).
I am really looking forward to Driveclub on Friday when it comes out in the UK, probably will get Horizon 2, loved that P.T. demo, The Evil Within looks like it could be a belter.
Plenty to look forward to.
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