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Put your drinks across the room so when you get thirsty you have to get up and get it lol. It would be cool to get one of those generators that is bycicle powered and hook up your game consoles to it so you have to sit there and pedal or else the power cuts out. A bycicle seat thingy would be cool but I'd rather use a treadmill or eliptical runner while gaming. Have you see that adam sandler movie... 20 first dates or something like that??? with drew berrymore. Drew's character's brother only excersizes his one arm for some reason(i forget). One arm is small and puny and the other is ripped.Well, you wouldn't really get ripped in the legs, as you'd be doing aerobic workouts, which develops cardio as well as long/lean muscles instead of ripped muscles (which stems from anaerobic exercise, like doing heavy lifting), but if you were bike pedaling consistently with good effort for an hour, you'd get a good workout while being able to play games.I would think thats what would happen if you did the bycicle seat thing lol. Your legs would be ripped and then the rest of you would be all puny. whereas walking/running would bring more muscles into play. Strap weights to your wrist and your arms will get a work out to just from holding the controller up.
It sucks how much exercise equipment costs =/_AbBaNdOn
well if u have a wii and another system u can use the wii fit free step arobics or free run and the wiimote has a metronome on it and talks to you to tell you how your doing and u can tie your wiimote to your belt buckle change the channel and play some xbox or ps3
My favorite is either the 12 oz curl or the 16 oz curl depending on my beverage that night. Also exercising my mouth with constant trash talking seems to pump me up.xxxMoreBeerxxxYeah I used to be like that. Then I saw a close gaming buddy of mine die of a heart attack. Now I am trying to get motivated to exercise. The worse part is that he really suffered in the hospital for a long time. Buzz kill , I know.
Well if you are that serious about exercising, forget about the games for a second and just exercise......problem solved!
I think you are missing the point. The game gets me to exercise. You must be friends with creepa313. If not introduce yourselves. I am worked out from that last race/ ride.Well if you are that serious about exercising, forget about the games for a second and just exercise......problem solved!
On mtv's The realworld one season they had a green theme and they had a bike powered PC so its not that impossable._AbBaNdOnNo, but it would be difficult still, as explained here. The physical demand to generate the horsepowers/watts needed to power the equipment would be rather significant, and furthermore, being able to sustain that amount of force for an extended time will be hard for someone who's out of shape. Lastlyl, if you slow down at any point, you run the risk of shutting down your hardware abruptly, which is never good.
Short answer: No Working out is usually a completely different activity than playing video games.FishSquared
Exactly! Why try to take shortcuts? If you want to lose a few pounds, take an hour a day, go outside and run. Do push ups and sit ups. Go for a brisk walk. You'd be surprised what it'll do for you.
Hey as long as you are having fun while doing it. And as far as the shortcut thing goes, you know if you are taking shortcuts we dont.
This might be lame and quite boring but for what I'm about to suggest, quite helpful.
I'm involved deeply in karate, and my sensei keeps reinforcing that stance is the most important thing you can work on. So in that case I stand in front or back stance or something for a while while just standing there playing my RPGs. That strengthens the core muscles by being in a stressed position.
If you want something more active, try Wii Fit I guess.
Or you go to the gym for 45 mins to an hour 3-4 days a week and then play video games after your done.
My schedule for example:
6:00PM Eat super
7:30PM Go to gym.
8:30PM Come home play video games & eat more.
11:00 Sleep.
My diet however is pretty healthy, I only drink water (except after i'm done at gym I have a glass of chocolate milk.) and I eat pretty much only fresh food/vegetables.I try to avoid anything that has non natural ingredients in it.
Video games make for great thumb excercise.
Ok yeah, that wasn't a serious answer. I can't think of a way to do a proper intense excercise while playing games unless you're playing Wii fit. You could probably do some good stretches though.
Things are different for every gamer but it is highly possible to be able to exercise and game at the same time. I personally love gaming as much as fitness so both would be a 'chilling out' or a 'relaxation' outlet. Any exercise machine that doesn't require the use of your hands can have a sort of table top placed in front of it. Treadmills are the best for this, gazelles work just fine as long as the table set up you have for your laptop/keyboard mouse fit comfortably around the controls. A simpler (and cheaper) method would to get a large exercise ball. To balance and sit on one of those puts your muscles into use...not to mention bouncing is fun as hell if you're doing things like running from spot to spot, grinding or gathering on a game....or getting a TON of killing sprees. I use mine not only for gaming but watching tv and movies. It's easy and pretty comfortable once you get use to it.sysomi
Was it really necessary to revive this ancient thread? I think not.
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