Age of conan Or Tera online ?
now that i heard that tera online going free to play starting feb. i considered playing it
but i downloaded age of conan ..
so before i start age of conan ..
which game is better
and please mention why
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Age of conan Or Tera online ?
now that i heard that tera online going free to play starting feb. i considered playing it
but i downloaded age of conan ..
so before i start age of conan ..
which game is better
and please mention why
I played neither but i strongly suggest playing Tera. The reason is simple: always avoid old MMORPGs (Age of Conan has more than 4 years, it's not new at all). If you try to play an old MMORPG, you'll have 2 cases to pick from: - You enter on an old server - most people already reached the cap level or has a very high one. It's not fun to see you're inferior to others, struggling to catch up with them. - You enter on a new server - You might have a chance here. This is not a problem, but think about it: how many people will join with you? not many. Most players that love the game already joined an older server. Most certainly, on a new server, there is a higher chance that people will leave one by one so there will not be formed a strong community. The only MMORPG that doesn't apply here is WOW, because it's a legend. These are general guidelines that don't apply only to your case. The point is that you didn't catch the best moment to start playing Age of Conan. Also, TERA looks by far better that Age of Conan. I will try it in february. Maybe we can play both :)panndemic
thanks alot .. i'll let u know when i start playing ^^
Not to beat a dead horse, and i'm certianly not a official fanyboy of arena net but have you considered guild wars 2? In my humble opinion, it's much better than tera and certainly better than age of conan. Age of conan is alittle dated. If I were to pick from the two, I'd go Tera. I've hit max level in Tera and only mucked around with AoC briefly but like lord of the rings, it just didn't do anything for me. I would choose gw2 over both, but Tera is still good and probably in the top 3 mmos out right now, behind gw2 and of course wow. Wow's gfx are dated but still decent and no one can deny they have 1000 things to do in that game. But still, wow no more for me. I've drank way too much of that koolaid and had my fill. Gw2 all they way unless of course you played it and didn't like it for whatever reason.
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