Trust me don't sell old consoles. I sold my N64 years ago to get a Gamecube(when they were coming out) and I regretted since. I was young and didn't really think it over then.
I wouldn't sell mine (unless of course some crazy money was offered) I still have my original PS as well as the slimmed PS1 with the little screen attached to it. I'm trying to keep all my consoles. The only one I seem to have lost is my Atari 2600.
Sell?....Never....I have a totally customized PS1 with a special chip and super-invection fans. I attached blue-bottles to the main vent and chromed up the screws on the underside. The open button has a reinforced platnium spring that allows laser-quick release. I don't even wanna start telling you about my 1 of a kind wireless control! Anyways....i would never sell my ps. It is priceless.
I'm not the worlds most keen gaming collector, but i'd advise you against selling your PS1 unless you're definately going to keep hold of your PS2. The console is worth more than $8 and has so many great games. I'd say you should look about online and try out some of the PS1 games you missed out on back in the day. There are so many hidden gems on that console. More than on any other system.
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