I couldn't think of an appropriate title for this, but I think that's the only real way I can pose the question. Allow me to explain.
This year I turned 20, and right away you're probably saying "that's young! Of course you're not too old for video games!", but here's the thing. All of my life, games have been a source of inspiration for me, a way of life, but as I grow older I'm starting to notice some things more.
1. I'm really not that good at games. I always have to do everything perfectly, and if I can't then it's not good enough for me - and that's how I am with everything in my life. I screw up and keep starting over, hoping for better results, but it's insanity because I only ever keep reaching about the same spot as I did the last time I played the game, and then I stop because I don't feel 'ready enough' to go any farther in the game yet. And then I put off playing the game for so long, I decide to start another new save file again someday.
2. There really isn't enough time, there just isn't. When I was younger I didn't have the money for all those games I wanted, but now that I'm older I don't have as much free time to spend playing them. With work and my generally worrysome and dependant nature, I usually end up spending more of my free time online than anything, looking for advice and people to talk to. But I still spend all of this money on games, and even now I still have games I want to buy. But I can't stop, because I keep thinking that there is one game that will make me feel fulfilled and happy, but there isn't.
3. There is little to no pay-value for playing games. I'm not talking about money, but rather, reward. Even if I do beat my games and become good at them, it won't mean anything - there is always someone better than you, and anyone can do that if they try. But then at the same time this also goes for anything you can do in real life, anyone can do what I can do in life if they try, which is kind of sad to me.
4. You play alone. Sure there is multiplayer and online play, but when it comes right down to it we can't all agree on what games are good and bad, and what a game can and should be. And when you play a game with someone, games can only get so engaging and interactive - the game will eventually get repetitive and become boring to you, there's really no escaping it. I can't even count the number of adventures I've gone on to save some princess, and the different worlds I've been to, but there's no end to it. There is no 'finished story', because nobody has every answer, and the gaming industry thrives off of our money, so there will always be new content, which is a double-edged sword.
My point is....I take games seriously, but at the same time my life is going nowhere. And, even though things probably wouldn't be any different if I didn't play games, the time I spend playing them could be used to find the things I want to find and learn the things I want to learn in life.
And at the same time....the stories and worlds and characters that are presented to us in games...that is part of me, games are a part of me. It's my main interest. and I really don't see how I could ever exist in a world without them. They are both a help and a hinderance, and I'm not quite sure how much gaming is too much.
So...what are your thoughts? I would like to hear what everyone else has to say
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