[QUOTE="Grammaton-Cleric"][QUOTE="feel_freetwo"] ok i shall briefly. combat was awful in both games, and was not improved in any significant way in the sequel. stealth was non-existent in both games AI was dumb in both games. these are major problems in the games and AC2 did little to nothing to improve these things.feel_freetwo
The combat was actually greatly improved, with several different weapon types, better projectiles, and the ability to fight with bare hands and disarm enemies. Those are all "significant" additions.
Stealth isn't the primary crux of the game play but you can kill stealthily and, if you're skilled enough, you can kill stealthily in plain view.
The A.I. is no worse in ACII than in any other stealth game save perhaps Arkham Asylum. The guards in ACII are actually quite aggressive and pursue you as well as look for your character when you hide. If you have a problem with the A.I. in ACII, I assume you have a problem with the A.I. in stealth games in general.
Also, the fetch-quest comment was nonsensical. ACII featured some of the most varied mission structure I've played, along with plenty of other diversions.
Feel free to hate the game but your actual criticisms don't gel with the game I played.
the combat was not greatly improved. adding weapons and new kill animations did nothing for the game play, other then glossing up. But it's pretty hard to gloss up a turd. the combat was still completely passive. the game had little to no skill in it's combat. you can kill stealthy, sure you can, i even posted a video conveying the stealth aspects of the game. but saying "you can kill stealthy" doesn't say anything about the quality of the stealth. Which was not of high quality. Levels of AI depend on the game, AC wasn't solely a stealth game, because of that the AI had to be improved which it wasn't. AC2 featured alot of missions, none of which were exciting because of the fundamental flaws in the game.You're obviously completely and fervently against this series, which is your prerogative, but in your original post you claimed the combat had not been significantly extrapolated upon, which isn't true. They added quite a few elements to the combat and apparently are doing even more additions with the third installment. All of the additions I alluded to in my post deepen the combat options and frankly, your critique of the combat as "passive" is nonsensical. The game clearly allows you to fight however you wish, be it counter-centric or aggressively offensive. As combat engines go, Assassin's Creed has one of the best out there, as it emulates realistic fencing but balances it out with gaming conventions so as to not make the game impossible. The combat as it appears in the game is a very good facsimile of the combat of that era, which often ended in a handful of strikes or less. The only real criticism I can levy against ACII is that the combat is a bit too easy, something I hope they remedy with the next iteration.
The AI is actually better than most stealth games in terms of aggressiveness and persistence and the ability to kill in plain view is actually a unique aspect of this series. There's really nothing else to say on that particular issue because you really haven't demonstrated why the AI is supposedly poor outside of your own dislike for the franchise.
There's a reason why ACII was one of the highest rated and best selling games of 2009 and it's not because your tastes and standards exceed everyone else's. When you employ a vernacular that includes adjectives like "turd", you are employing hyperbolic terminology that far exceeds any reasonable criticisms of this franchise. Whether or not you personally like ACII, the game is very well made and does a number of things both competently and uniquely. If your distain is that pronounced, move on to something else, because you are referring to this game as if it is on the level of something like Superman 64.
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