I definitely agree with your point about the cutscenes/Vincent not acting like the way you're directing him to be. In my playthrough, I was being a jerk to Catherine and catering to Katherine, but in the cutscenes, Vincent would be indecisive. He didn't know what to do, so he would just say "umm...uhh..." instead of saying something positive towards Katherine or do something that Katherine would appreciate. He even agreed to a date with Catherine. The hell? It's a shame to hear he acts that way as well when you're steering Vincent towards Catherine.
There are other stuff I didn't like, but I enjoyed the game overall. The presentation, including the story, visuals and soundtrack, was pretty good, and I found the gameplay fun for the most part; it also felt satisfying at times. However, I don't see myself replaying this game anytime soon.
I had a similar discussion with a friend of mine. She argued that even if you steered Vincent towards Catherine, it wouldn't exactly be realistic, so to speak, for him to drop his girlfriend of several years (as is implied) after a one night stand. Over the course of the game, if you consistently push for Catherine, you'll notice his inner thoughts begin to lean on her more, and doubt Katherine's intentions and their future together. This all comes to a head in the final scenes of the game, when he finally makes his ultimate decision.
I think Atlus handled the story rather well. I don't know about you, but I sure couldn't just drop my girlfriend after meeting (and sleeping with) a hotter woman. That sort of a decision would take some deep thought and a bit of time to see through to the end.
This doesn't work if you completely drop Catherine though as Vincent drags it out again. I think Altus just got lazy and made the cutscenes differ for only the last Stage and the decisions you make there. They could have made it much bigger and better branching. But like one person pointed out, it was a budget game - can't expect too much. And to reply to your friend - But Katherine wasn't "My" girlfriend of 5 years. She was Vincent's - with no back story or direction early on in the game other than Katherine basically straight out being a jerk from scene one I had an extremely hard time relating to the story. I followed it, and enjoyed it for what it was, but they tried to make it a 'choice' game where they didn't even put any actual lasting choices in it until the last stage. The stages leading up to that were nothing more than fluff to push your bar around on the pink / blue scale.
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