Anyone else share my opinion?

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#1 LongShot42
Member since 2006 • 275 Posts

I am really sorry for the length but please read through and comment.

I HATE Game Informer,Xplay, andGamestop/EBGames. Anyone else think the same cuz sometimes it seems like no one does. GI i hate because they dont really and dont seem to care about the games they just want to be funny and make you think that they are going to give a preview of a game when its about 1 page long and the rest of the magizine is a bunch of crap about Link being a cross dresser or Kratos being crazy and such a BA and other stuff we dont care about. Xplay i hate for pretty much the same reason i cant stand the people on the show and they always try to make jokes about the the game that just make them look stupid. I really dont like Jack Thompson but when he had a debate with Adam Sessler from Xplay and made him look like a complete idiot i was so happy and for a second i liked him and then i remembered who he is and his plans for genocide against video games. And Gamestop/EBGames they try to screw you out of every penny they can i went there to buy a game the other day and they offered me a card to save money the guy said it would save me 3 dollars on the game i was buying but i had to buy a years subscribtion to GI which costs im guessing around 12 dollars so really im not saving money im getting screwed out of 9 extra bucks. Also they dont have any good new games i looked in the new releases section and they have about 4 games for ps2 and xbox now i know there have been more of them that came out within the two months that the other games had come out. What really makes me made about them is they are so annoying by the time you are giving them the money you really just want to reach over the counter and whale on them with the closest thing to you if i wanted to reserve a game i would come in here and tell you i dont want you trying to talk me out of the game i am buying and into preordering a game i dont want. And lastly i hate God of War i just had to say that since no one else will i hate it.

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#2 deactivated-618bc23e9b1c9
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Dude I agree with everything you said except the part about God of War. Granted the game was over-hyped by the mass of twelve year olds here but was still a great game imo. Also try adding paragraphs so it's easier on the eyes. After reading that I close my eyes and all I see is little white lines.

Why can't GI and X Play just review the damn games? Cut out that Saturday Night Live wanna be crap. Neither of which are funny in the least. Leave the comedy to Bill Maher and Robin Williams.

Gamestop/EB Games are just plain evil. Next they will want your soul before giving you two bucks for trade in.

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#3 GiygasFanima
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I don't know...X-play is funny sometimes...I mean it's funny when they show bad games that you can't help but laugh at.

I really don't look at magazines anyway, I go to Youtube for my previews and gameplay. Or my own judgemnet.

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#4 maddog95376
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The one-sided bashing on certain people/topics/businesses really ticks me off some times. You mean to tell me that every issue of Game Informer features a majority share of how crazy Kratos is? Don't you think that's a slight exagerration? You have to realize that GI is owned by Gamestop, and because of this reason, video game publishers and developers usually give the magazine an exclusive preview of their games. I remember when they did a huge blow-out a few months ago on Grand Theft Auto 4 that previewd new information that no one knew before. After the issue hit newstands, several gaming websites, probably even Gamespot, relayed that exclusive information to its users. I think GI is the best magazine in terms of game previews, exclusive information, and developer interviews. I usually don't rely on them for review scores because of the potential of positive bias for a game because they are owned by Gamestop. I agree with you about X-Play. That show used to be pretty good when they just concentrated on previewing and reviewing games. For the past couple of years, they seem to be under the impression that they can do comedy. I have never once gotten a chuckle out of any of their skits, which are half-@$$ed, have no originality, and are just not funny. They need to fill those gaps between covering games with developer interviews or some other medium besides comedy. With all that said, X-Play is decent to watch when it comes to covering big events like E3, the Star Wars Convention, a Halo launch, etc. As far as Gamestop/EB goes, everybody and their mother knows that their trade-in values are low. You know this, yet you trade your games in there anyway. Sell your games on ebay, sell them to your friends; there are a thousand other outlets for which to get a decent price for your games. If you don't like the trade in value offered at Gamestop/EB, then don't trade your games there. I'd like to think that's common sense, but everyday, someone posts on these forums about how they think they're getting screwed by Gamestop/EB. As far as the subscription deal goes, you pay $14.99 for a one year subscription to Game Informer (which is actually $5.00 cheaper then subscribing to the magazine with one for their leaflets). In exchange for subscribing to the magazine, they'll give you a discount card which is good for one year. The discount card gets you 10% off used games, dvds, and game accessories, and it gets you an extra 10% trade-in credit when you trade in your games and dvds. If you frequently buy used games, the card will pay for itself rather quickly. As far as new releases go, Gamestop/EB can only sell what game developers give them. If you're not happy with the selection of new Xbox games, it's because only one or two new xbox games are available right now (Madden 08 and probably a racing game or something). Get with the next gen and buy a 360 or PS3 if you want new games.
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#5 LongShot42
Member since 2006 • 275 Posts
yeah i can see what you mean man i did stretch the truth a bit but i was really pissed off about them trying to screw me over and talk me out of the games i am buying. i donttrade the gamesi buy in there i just return them if i beat them in less than sevendays because theyare so freakin cheap on the trade in values.i have a 360 which broke so i had to send it in to get fixed and i have a ps3 but my brother took it to college so im stuck playing the older consoles. also sorry about not having paragraphs.
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#6 Eldramesha
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The guys at my local Gamestop don't try anything on me. They just answer my questions and ring me up when I figure out what I want.
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#8 nghtcrwlr821
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I like Game Informer. I think they've got great stuff. I also like GameStop/EB Games because the GameStop near my house never does some of the crap people like to complain about.
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#9 jeneara
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Now i work at a EB Games in Australia. we dont set the prices got a problem call head office.

2. i know there low but what do you expect we dont know whole long you've had the game what you've done to it and what condition its in but most of the time we will still take it. (now i'm not saying that you treat it badly or anythign its just we have no idea)

3. as the guy said before people still trade all the time if you dont want to trade with us then well

4 i dont know what the discount card is overseas but in aussie we offer something called the EB Edge card now i cost $10 and lasts a year it gives you 10% off preowned games and an extra 10% when you trade in. thats good value if you by pre-owned 360 or ps3 games which are still like 50-100 dollars for most of them anyway so no i dont think we try to rip you off if its gonna benifit you hey if you dont buy preowned games then i tell you dont buy it its a waste of money but if you do it can save you alot of cash.

no just to be fair i have met some pretty bad Employee and customers too so i know how you fell i have the flu and i had a guy coem in today and start mocking me about having a raspy voice becuase my throat was sore and you know what i had to treat him like any other customer and that pisses me off that i could kick his ass

so just so everyone remembers we have to deal with crap too so if you get someone who a jerk thik mabye they just had **** of a customer or they might just be a jerk lol

well thats my rant

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#10 jeneara
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that pisses me off that i couldn't kick his ass*

i cant spell lol

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#11 FireBurger
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I think Game Informer is alright. I think of all the gaming magazines they're the most critical of games, and I think their review scores lie right about where they should. Also, in terms of previews, if it's a game of any stature and that has any buzz around it, they usually do a pretty good length preview. Usually, those tiny previews are where less-known games get stuck. As for their "humor," I think that as long as it's in addition to the game content and not in place of the game content then it's fine. In the end though, I just get GI to have something to read when I'm not at the computer. I pretty much rely on GameSpot and IGN for all of my reliable information and reviews.

As for X-Play, I'll just post a rant I wrote before in a thread about the entire G4 channel:

"Most of their programming anymore is Cops and the Man Show. Attack of the Show isn't even that game-focused, and I wouldn't ever rest a purchase on an X-Play review. Maybe if they would live up to their slogan of "TV for Gamers" and get some people who actually knew something about games and not some 'wannabe' hot girls, I might take it more seriously and watch more."

Lastly, in terms of EB/GameStop, I think they're OK for what I need them for. That is, simply buying games. I never trade-in games because it's completely not worth it. Besides, when I buy a game, I buy it because I want to own it and keep it. If not, I would just rent the game in the first place. The "best" deal I ever got from them was when I was able to trade in PDZ and Kameo to get GRAW. Basically, I simply view them as a place to purchase games, nothing more, and in that respect they're perfectly fine.