I am really sorry for the length but please read through and comment.
I HATE Game Informer,Xplay, andGamestop/EBGames. Anyone else think the same cuz sometimes it seems like no one does. GI i hate because they dont really and dont seem to care about the games they just want to be funny and make you think that they are going to give a preview of a game when its about 1 page long and the rest of the magizine is a bunch of crap about Link being a cross dresser or Kratos being crazy and such a BA and other stuff we dont care about. Xplay i hate for pretty much the same reason i cant stand the people on the show and they always try to make jokes about the the game that just make them look stupid. I really dont like Jack Thompson but when he had a debate with Adam Sessler from Xplay and made him look like a complete idiot i was so happy and for a second i liked him and then i remembered who he is and his plans for genocide against video games. And Gamestop/EBGames they try to screw you out of every penny they can i went there to buy a game the other day and they offered me a card to save money the guy said it would save me 3 dollars on the game i was buying but i had to buy a years subscribtion to GI which costs im guessing around 12 dollars so really im not saving money im getting screwed out of 9 extra bucks. Also they dont have any good new games i looked in the new releases section and they have about 4 games for ps2 and xbox now i know there have been more of them that came out within the two months that the other games had come out. What really makes me made about them is they are so annoying by the time you are giving them the money you really just want to reach over the counter and whale on them with the closest thing to you if i wanted to reserve a game i would come in here and tell you i dont want you trying to talk me out of the game i am buying and into preordering a game i dont want. And lastly i hate God of War i just had to say that since no one else will i hate it.
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