i'm picking up a copy tomorrow.
it took me a while to really warm to shadow of mordor. the barren, flat brown landscape wasn't the epic backdrop to a lotr game i was hoping for. story was meh, plus all the uruks had annoying cockney accents which made it sound like a movie-length episode of eastenders. it just didn't feel very lord of the ringsy. plus that year had been an awful year for gaming so i think i was suffering from a bit of gaming malaise when i got round to trying it late that year.
but after a while i shook those pessimistic first impressions off and began to really appreciate the game for what it is - a great melee combat game. it felt leagues ahead of the assassin's creed games in terms of fluidity and responsiveness and more controlled and precise than the borderline qte combat of the arkham games.
the upgrade system was well paced and unconvoluted, the stealth was simple but effective and the nemesis system was a really cool inclusion, one that would've been even cooler if it wouldn't magically re-autopopulate when you got close to killing all the captains.
yes the game undoubtedly became repetitive in places and yes towards the end you were so powerful you could cut through swarms of uruks with ease (but tbh i don't mind god-like powers at that stage in a game, if you've earned them). also the end fight sequence was an abomination.
but, despite all the game's faults, i'm still keen to dip my toe back into mordor's murky brown waters for another round of uruk bashing. anyone thinking similar or have any thoughts they want to share on either of the mordor games?
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