Before I begin, I am 21, and started really gaming around the PS2 release.
I am just looking all around me. Everything I once knew is dead or dying or irrecognizable.
COD has just turned into a yearly attempt to sell us bigger explosions and more DLC.
SOCOM games just got hollower and hollower. What started as missions with a sense of urgency, that would raise your heartbeat, and leave no room for error, turned into SOCOM 4, an action movie wannabe that eliminated anything that made the previous games special.
And then, there is E friggin A.
I cannot believe how much the shamelessly care about money, and even less how much people are buying it. Battlefield 3 was supposed to restore my faith in modern shooters, but then premium just split the community. Not to mention they decided to scrap any of the strategy and communication from the last game and replaced it with nicer graphics.
I thought the last MOH game was great. Not political, story was subtle but the voice acting was nice. You were just guys in the military, not some grunt who has to turn into a hero to stop some international super weapon threat and all this garbage. But this next one just looks like it is cashing in on all the same methods as other shooters, as well as all the BIN LADEN IS DEAD LETS FANTASIZE HOW IT HAPPENED hype. This new partnership with Zero Dark Thirty is just
This is the issue. Games that used to be able to draw you in with challenging gameplay intricacies have abandoned said mental workouts in an attempt to be the AAA thriller...and in this clusterf**k to the top of game fiction mountain, they all just look the same, and their beauty is barely skin deep.
I still enjoy Metal Gear, even though Konami may be starting to trip over itself. Games found on Steam and Valve "still got it"....but they have kinda vanished into some (hopefully creative and inspiring) oblivian...and who knows when they will return?
Companies just build %100 of a game now, sell about %50 of it and call it "%100" but then ask us to pay for it is a bonus. We know they had the content all along, but have decided to withhold it because they can. And once a year has passed, and all the DLC is out, the game feels like only %70 of something from the last generation.
This isn't to say that there is some legit DLC out there, that really feels like it has added alot to the game, like it was something that was thoughtfully crafted after the fact. I am attacking when Activision-Blizzard tries to get us to pay for 5 maps, 3 of which we all played in the last installment.
Looking over this post now, I can see that my lost faith in the game industry might really just be a loss of faith in shooters...I would like to hear your nostalgia, and what if at all the industry has done that has left you jaded.
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