Gamestop seems to keep the case on the shelf and the game behind the counter but are the really new? I have heard that sometimes they will put used games in the cases and plus they aren't factory sealed anymore:twisted:
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Gamestop seems to keep the case on the shelf and the game behind the counter but are the really new? I have heard that sometimes they will put used games in the cases and plus they aren't factory sealed anymore:twisted:
I know a lot of guys at Gamestop so I can answer this one. As soon as a new title comes in they open a copy of the game so they can display the case on their shelves. Sometimes, the employees take an open copy home to play for a night or two. They can also do this with used titles. If you are unsure, then make sure when you buy a new game that it is sealed in the original shrink wrap along with the sticker seals still on the case itself. If you buy an open item game, ask if they would be willing to give 10% off. Some of the managers are cool enough to where they'll do that. If they don't and you still want a new copy thenget it somewhere else.Gamestop seems to keep the case on the shelf and the game behind the counter but are the really new? I have heard that sometimes they will put used games in the cases and plus they aren't factory sealed anymore:twisted:
i know a mamager from gamestop. and i go there all the time. this is how most it works. they get a case for a new games and display it. once you take the case to check it out. they normal should pull out another copy in shink wrap with seals on the top and on the side where you can open it. most of the game i buy i get that i get a fresh new cpoy and once i open the wraping and open the case. i can smell that new game and new case smell. mmmmmmmmm;)
Some are the one's that they open arn't plus my Gamestop basically knows how to lose money since every game that has extras they throw away so no one want's to buy it
Some are the one's that they open arn't plus my Gamestop basically knows how to lose money since every game that has extras they throw away so no one want's to buy it
Gamestop makes so much money.
And I have never bought a "new" game that wasn't factory sealed at Gamestop. If it's not factory sealed, it's not new.
I bought Twilight Princess (GC) which wasn't sealed and when I got it I saw light scruffs on the disc. It didn't affect gameplay as it was the last one and they are quite expensive to get on the GC so I just kept it. I usually only buy sealed games on ebay now. I don't trust them.
I bought a "new" game from GameStop once that had saved data on it. :roll:
Not that it really matters though.
I bought a "new" game from GameStop once that had saved data on it. :roll:
Not that it really matters though.
Same happened to me, but it was only like 29 minutes, so even if I went back into the store, I couldn't really prove that it wasn't me.
Wait question. How can you tell if it's been factory sealed and not opened?
I bought a "new" game from GameStop once that had saved data on it. :roll:
Not that it really matters though.
Same happened to me, but it was only like 29 minutes, so even if I went back into the store, I couldn't really prove that it wasn't me.
Wait question. How can you tell if it's been factory sealed and not opened?
If there is shrink wrap around the package and a sticker on the case that you have to peel off to open it, it's new...
New= factory sealed. Most games have that tape on the top that says what its called. If thats removed, somewhere down the line USUALLY its not factory sealed. Thats starting to change.
Well I've seen gamestop employees put used games in the new section. Those sleeves they put the games in aren't exactly all that protective, which is why you'll find scratches on your games sometimes. My street fighter ex3 game has this real huge ring scratch around it. Made it nearly unplayable for a so called new game.
My reccomendation? Start a bank account, leave what you need, and buy your games elsewear or go online. NOW if you can get that 10% discount for it being opened, it might be enough to consider.
When I want something brand new, I call up the nearest GS at about noon on wednesday and tell them what I want and to keep it sealed/untouched.
So yeah, Gamestop gets new games, just a lot of them don't seem new because of all the hand traffic that messes up the freshness.
Most games are factory sealed, only one game is keep in the box for display purposes.Gamestop seems to keep the case on the shelf and the game behind the counter but are the really new? I have heard that sometimes they will put used games in the cases and plus they aren't factory sealed anymore:twisted:
I know somebody who works at Gamestop. He always has the latest games day one so one time I was like, "Its a good thing that you can at least get the employee discount!" He was like, "Nah. As long as you don't break the seal we can take a new game home for as long as you want and we just shrinkwrap it up and sell it as new." And this is the company that gamers love... :(Senor_KamiReason 234321 why I don't do anything but browse that store.
I usually find it to be the opposite. People who love Gamestop support them regardless of rhyme or reason. I don't shop there. I've gone to 4 different Gamestops a total of 5 times. Here are the events that took place.
I have NEVER gone to a Gamestop and walked out with 100% of the stuff working. I've purchased used products on Ebay and Amazon dozens of times and never had an issue. Gamestop is currently at a 100% failure rate. If you're going to operate a legitimate used products section, you have to test the products. There's no excuse for that imo. Used car dealers are considered the ultimate of low, but they at least will make sure a car can start up (ie the console can turn on when plugged up). Gamestop is less than that.
And that's just one section. Their whole used games policy is pretty bogus with how aggressively they push it, but at least that's them screwing up developers and publishers, not the end consumer. They screw over EVERYONE that they get a chance to.
A gamestop fanboy told me that I was crazy and expecting way too much for wanting them to sell me products that work when they say that they sell products in working condition. I wonder what your defense will be.
I've rarely had a bad experience with the stores, that's my defence. Why should I not go to a store if I get good service 99% of the time? You said you've gone 5 times? I've bought things from the store over 100 times at least, now what would be a better pool for judgement of a stores quality? 100% failure rate for 5 times or 99% success rate for 100+ times?@Im_single
I usually find it to be the opposite. People who love Gamestop support them regardless of rhyme or reason. I don't shop there. I've gone to 4 different Gamestops a total of 5 times. Here are the events that took place.
- They sold me a broken original xbox that had a red ring as soon as your plugged it up. Meaning that they have a used department that does ZERO testing. This is like a used car lot that sells you a car that can't even turn on for a test drive. (Store 1)
- I returned that and they replaced it... with another broken xbox that had a red ring as soon as you turned the system on. (Store 1)
- They sold me a broken copy of a game that couldn't even load up the developer logos... meaning that once again, they're selling used games that they don't even put in a system to see if it boots up. (Store 2)
- They sold me a Gamecube with a broken video cable. Again, nobody tests anything before they resell it. (Store 3)
- They sold me a Gamestop brand 360 controller with an analog stick that gets stuck in the up position. (Store 4)
I have NEVER gone to a Gamestop and walked out with 100% of the stuff working. I've purchased used products on Ebay and Amazon dozens of times and never had an issue. Gamestop is currently at a 100% failure rate. If you're going to operate a legitimate used products section, you have to test the products. There's no excuse for that imo. Used car dealers are considered the ultimate of low, but they at least will make sure a car can start up (ie the console can turn on when plugged up). Gamestop is less than that.
And that's just one section. Their whole used games policy is pretty bogus with how aggressively they push it, but at least that's them screwing up developers and publishers, not the end consumer. They screw over EVERYONE that they get a chance to.
A gamestop fanboy told me that I was crazy and expecting way too much for wanting them to sell me products that work when they say that they sell products in working condition. I wonder what your defense will be.
Now don't label me a "GS fanboy" (Do those exist? Are people really that loyal to a store?) I'm not gonna say GS is perfect, some policies I don't agree with some used games are expensive, that 'Renting" thing they do, apparently a lack of internal testing? I don't buy all my games there, if there's cheaper games elsewhere I'll get them there, but I will defend GS because it does get a lot of unwarranted flak.
Again, why would I shop elsewhere when I rarely have a bad experience? All I hear are these Gamestop horror stories (Mostly here or on the internet somewhere) and I have never experienced one in the years I've been going to the store (I shop regularly at most of the Gamestops and EB's around my city) , I just think people like to fit in and bash the big evil videogame store that **** on the little guy and caters only to idiot consumers and casual gamers.
Not to mention the complaints like I said in my other posts are usually invalid due to them being utterly stupid to completely inane and easily avoidable Maye I'm just the luckiest man alive? Maybe all the Gamestops I've been in are the only good ones on planet Earth? I don't know. Gamestop isn't perfect, but is it bad enough to never shop there? In my eyes no freaking way.
I have never had any issues with something not working.
In terms of people hating them because they get rip you off with used games, that's how it is with every used prodcut. I just graduated college and I buy new book for $100, sell them back for $10 (if they take it back. If a "new" edition comes out they won't, and we all know a "new" edition is two more pages), and then I see it on the self $90. That's just how businesses work.
And how can you open a used game without breaking the plastic wrap and sticker on the inside? You'd be able to tell it was opened.
I don't buy new games from Gamestop. Ever. If they are so distrusting of their consumers that they feel they need to open up the case and take out the game, then I don't feel obligated to buy new games from them.
On the other hand, used games, which is where these satanic little stores get their revenue from, are games which I will buy from them if the price is reasonable enough and its a game i really want.
But yeah, don't buy new games from them. Even when it is in shrink wrap, it could have been done by the store. I don't trust them.
I used to work at a Gamestop, and I can tell you guys some things from personal experience.
Whenever we got in a new game, we had to "gut" (open the seal and remove the game) three or four of the copies to put out on the shelves. The reason for this is theft and marketing; games left out on the shelves are much more likely to get stolen, and games that are put on shelves within easy reach are more likely to be purchased. I'm not condoning the way Gamestop does business; in fact, i'm not very fond of it. But it is a corporate business, and they do whatever they can to make a profit, even if it involves stretching the truth and ripping people off.
I got many complaints while working about new games not really being "new", and while on principle I would agree, I didn't really enjoy being yelled at because of company policy that I cannot control. That being said, I know for a fact that some managers do actually play supposedly "new" games before selling them to customers as new. Not all managers, mind you... probably the minority. But I've been through several managers, and one of them used to gut new games, take them home for the weekend, and then reseal them with a machine we had in the back. Definitely against company policy, but it does happen.
And yes, used games you get from Gamestop are often in horrible condition, which is why I buy online. The employees don't have time to test out every game; a good number of the used games in the drawers are very badly scratched and often times are unplayable. Not cool for the people buying, that's for sure.
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