I must give a shoutout to Amnesia: The dark descent, It is quite a good horror survival game, you cant fight at all in that game only run and hide from the ghosts, and quite good at making the mind of the Insane protagonist come alive.
I think it is about as good as Fatal Frame (another of the last remaning true survival horror games (the entire series).
To me games like Resident Evil, Silent hill (ok the Wii one was pretty decent) dead space and such are just action games against the supernatural, which does not make them survival horror games, and I feel bad calling them horror games aswell, while they may have some shock value they are not as frightening as the first ones in thier respectible series (Dead space being the only new entry) I consider them games akin to Doom 3 and FEAR which altho often labeled Horror games I find less disturbing then some pure action games.
The two problems I usually have with the modern horror games is 1) weapons: who on earth will be afraid of anything they meet when you can simple pull the trigger and make the monsters drop dead? Is the player not from a logical standpoint the scary one then? (well it reminds me more of something like Army of darkness then anything else).
The other problem is Pacing, in a survival horror game the pacing is really important, slow methodical, sucking in all the surroundings, and creepy noises.
Most of the would be horror games this gen hasseemed more like run and gun action all the time, there is rarely any moments where you sneak down a long abandoned hallway, vulnurable, without a fighting chance, only option to be silent, and listening for anything that might be something horrible. Mostly the only time those games slow down a bit is when a puzzle needs to be solved.
It is a shame really, the first resident evil games, and the first Alone in the dark games, were aswsome, and the first 2 silent hill games were quite good.
Siren took a turn for the worse.
So left we have left is, Fatal Frame, the good oldies, and small time devs trying to carve out a niché for themselves.
Most things these days rely on instant action, which is quite sad.
Edit, Oh dear Just noticed that I had allready posted once in this topic O.o I must be getting old -.-
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