There are plenty of strong female leads in anime/manga - its just that JRPGs (essentially anime/manga in game form) don't seem to have so many.
Like I mentioned on the previous page, I have trouble thinking of any JRPG woman who is like Motoko Kusanagi (and also not a villain or minor character).
Alright since we are just talking about the character then I can say I have never seen a more whiny character in any video game than Jack from Mass Effect 2 and that is a action choose you own adventure. People try to defend her as having a bad past. That is way she is so whiny. Every time they show her she just whines about her past. Other characters with bad past have it as motivation but not focus on it and whine about it. I think characters that have sad past and still willing to see the bright side of things are strong characters.
Jack is self-obsessed, but that isn't neccecarily a weak characterisation, because real people are often self-obsessed.
Her whining may not be entirely without justification, but unfortunatly humans hate to hear others whining - only to expect people to empathise with their troubles. Nobody likes an egotist, despite most people being egotists themselves, so we learn to shut up and obey social cues - not to use too many pronoun sentences about ourselves - even meditate our egoism away. Like most people who never pick those cues up, Jack thinks she does not need to, or apparently does not seek intimate human contact/friendship. At least, that is how she constantly self-justifies to people that she alegedly does not care about the opinions of - in reality, if she didn't care what Shepard, and others, thought about her, why say anything at all?
However, I wouldn't call her a perticularily strong-minded character, as she basically seems to be overcompensating for having been abused.
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