Please try not to turn the topic into some parade of bigotry (or over-zelous defensiveness of Japan either).
Don't paint an entire society of 127 million individual people with the same brush - I think we can agree there are some constructive and unconstructive portrayals of women in Japanese fiction - just like any other country on Earth. You could claim that American TV is more misogynistic, but then watch something like Buffy, Babylon 5, Firefly, Farscape, which are anything but. You could claim Japanese TV is remarkably progressive, but then turn the channel away from Ghost in the Shell, only to find some show about dumb moeblobs.
The question was: "Are JRPG girls wussy?"
And the less catchy, longer version, of that question is: "What do you think about the seeming lack of strong female leads in JRPGs?"
These have already been mentioned in one form or another, but Yuna and Lulu from FFX, and Rosie from Valkyria Chronicles are all strong, good characters that don't fit the stereotype given in the OP. I can't remember fully, but Quistis from FFVIII might be another one, she's certainly less girly than Rinoa or Selphie.evil_angel74
Yeah, Quistis is a good example, although she makes far too few important choices in the game, since it's essentially a game all about Squall.
It's also notable that strong female characters turn up far more often as villains: take Ultimecia from the same game, as an example.
What makes me laugh is how Final Fantasy X and XII had all three of the sterotype female characters. The wussy one, the spunky young one and the over aggresive one. I think if there is a 4th it will be the slutty one, the one with the really big boobs and is normally a bit more mature but everything she says pretty much has to be along the lines of "you want to shag me!"
Although I'm a man, I prefer never to use the term slut, (or if anyone is gonna, at least call men who womanise sluts as well).
Everything you said is true though - Final Fantasy, although it is frequently argued to be more constructive in it's view of women (people always cite Tifa) - basically, they tend to fall into steriotypical catagories like the ones you mentioned - the wussy moeblob, the spunky one, the over-agressive one.
Unfortunatly none of those are neccecarily depictions of strong women.
Some people argue that Terra from VI is strong, but I can remember very little about how she was characterised in the game (probably not a good sign, or perhaps just a relic of having to emphathise with 12px high characters with no spoken dialogue).
What essentially makes a character appear strong is strong conviction (not neccecarily the 'right' convictions, if there are such a thing), willingness to take dire risks with their own life, competency/calmness/descisiveness in drastic situations, and most importantly, making tough choices. A female military officer who is in command of a division of soldiers would be a strong example - a competent commander who wields authority well, has strong convictions, risks her life, and might even fight to patriotically defend her kingdom, (without neccecarily mothering every passing stray!)
So, by those kinds of standards there are very few strong females in Final Fantasy games: Tifa was never exactly placed at the centre of the matrix of decision-making in FFVII - she was peripheral in this respect. Don't get me wrong, I don't expect EVERY female character to be some hyper-competent warrior-philosopher - in real life, this isn't how things work (for either gender!) But where anime has produced some truely admirable powerful women, I can't think of too many in JRPGs.
Frankly, women who can handle themselves, are intellectual and/or show strength of character seem hotter to me than useless whiney helpless damsels anyway - sure, people should not be cast aside just because they are weak, but I can't help but feel more attracted to a capable person.
Here are examples of strong, female, characters from anime/manga/JRPGs:
![Motoko Kusanagi](
Major Motoko Kusanagi (counter-terrorism specialist - Ghost in the Shell).
![Major General Armstrong](
Major General Armstrong (military commander, Fort Briggs - Fullmetal Alchemist)
![Nico Robin](
Nico Robin (archeologist, mercinary, anti-government insurgent - One Piece)
![Mitsuru Kirijo](
Mitsuru Kirijo (commander of S.E.E.S., chairman of the Kirijo Group - Persona 3)
![Misato Katsuragi](
Major Misato Katsuragi (field commander in the U.N. - Neon Genesis Evangelion)
Clare (professional demon-hunter - Claymore)
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