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I used to be pretty staunch on the original console/original media thing but the convenience of stuff like PSN and Nintendo's Virtual Console is winning me over. In a perfect world, I'd have a room set up for each console w/ period-correct decor and so forth so that I could play my NES sitting on a beanbag chair w/ Guns N Roses posters all over the walls and then go to the next room to play SNES and listen to Soundgarden. But it is not a perfect world we live in and so I am forced to sometimes get my NES fix on my 3DS while waiting for a flight at the airport.
I usually play my PS1 games on the PS1, but for certain games like Chrono Trigger where I can speed up the loading times, I'll play it on the PS2.
I kinda have to play my old games on the older consoles. I don't actually have a PS3 anymore but even if I did, I'd be playing on my girlfriend's PlayStation 2 anyway since the PS3 doesn't have any backwards compatibility, except for PlayStation games of course.
I always prefer to play the original games on their original consoles whenever possible. That is how the game was intended to be played. Sometimes design decision are based on a particular piece of hardware or a specific limitation.
However, there are exceptions. Game Boy and Game Boy Color games stand out to me in particular. They look A LOT better on the backlit screen of a GBA-SP or on the T.V. screen through a Game Boy Player or Super Game Boy.
I personally play Sega Master System games on my Sega Genesis through my Sega Power Converter attachment. I just haven't found a good deal on an actual Sega Master System, but found the Power Base Converter for $20. If I come across a good deal on a Sega Master System, I'd still pick it up, though. So it's not a matter or preference for me, but a matter of necessity in this situation.
I think that however you get your fix, it's all in-bounds to me. I like original software, but if it works on new(er) hardware without extensive emulations or other things which can compromise the quality of the sound or graphics from it's original state, I'm cool with it. I have purchased many PSOne games I got rid of years ago because it's so easy to play them now on my PS3, for instance (save cards being the thing I don't have in large supply for PSOne anymore)...
... But I AM a stickler for playing 4:3 ratio presentations on a 4:3 ratio CRT as apposed to on a newer HD tv. That's pretty much where I draw my geek-ness line.
But I say, a great game is a great game, no matter when it was originally programmed... So however you are delving into the past, you should be commended for your open-minded approach to gaming.
Retro RULES!!!
No preference for me, as long as I can play the game.
Although sometimes its nice to be able to play a game like the Gameboy Color version of Prince of Persia on my 3DS with the ability to save the game whenever I want. Kinda cheap but if you just want to finish the game again, its a nice touch.
I just wish there were more retro collections available - why hasn't anyone released a Colecovision collection yet?
i play my ps2 ps1 games on my 320 gig which used to be only 60 gig ps3 , and i play what xbox games i can on my 360 and my gc vc games on my wii so yes i do
No preference for me, as long as I can play the game.
Although sometimes its nice to be able to play a game like the Gameboy Color version of Prince of Persia on my 3DS with the ability to save the game whenever I want. Kinda cheap but if you just want to finish the game again, its a nice touch.
I just wish there were more retro collections available - why hasn't anyone released a Colecovision collection yet?
Basically whichever saves me money.
i almost ALWAYS play the games on original consoles. Here and there I'll play an Xbox original on the xbox360 or a ps1 game on the ps2, but very rarely. I personally prefer playing NES and Genesis games on the original consoles. I dont own a wii, so I can't play the Virtual Console games, but if I get a wii one of these days I might try it out (for the right price on a hard to find game)
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